Posted in: Comics | Tagged: comic store in your future
Comic Store In Your Future – Be Thankful For My Little Pony
Rod Lamberti of Rodman Comics, writes weekly for Bleeding Cool. Find previous columns here.
Thanksgiving is here. A day a lot of us eat too much and get together with family. Often times the negativity of the year can weigh us down and we forget what good has happened and what we do have. One of the things that helps me through everything is to remember someone always has it better, someone always has it worse. There are people out there that will not be able to see their family this year for various reasons such as people serving in the military. Some will are unable to afford to visit family. Some sadly have no family to see.
I still have my health. I still have family that is willing to put up with me.
2017 in my eyes is the year of bizarre business decisions. Wizards of the Coast, the makers of Magic the Gathering is flooding the market with product this month which is hurting sales. I understand the holidays season is here but spreading out the product releases would have helped a lot. Marvel acted like they were brand new to publishing comics making one mistake after another. 2018 looks a little bit scary. Reading about comic and gaming stores closing that have been open over a decade longer than my store never fills me with confidence.
The fact that Rodman Comics is still open is something I am thankful for. Thankful for the support the store has received over the years. Thankful for the support I have received over the years. I have meant some really cool people through the store and even made some good friends that I never would have met if not for the store.
What else I am also thankful for:
Rich Johnston for letting me write these and using these for Bleeding Cool. Thankful for all the corrections he has made to them.
That after all these years Bleeding Cool is still going.
Everyone who reads these columns. Yes, everyone. I hope they do entertain and/or educate people.
That I still have money. I chuckle after I write that but after being stolen from, over ordering Marvel's lenticular covers badly in October, and having some expensive repairs in a short period of time I still know it could be worse.
Thankful the store furnace is still working.
DC's Metal for being a very big seller currently.
Valiant Comics for putting up a heck of a fight in the crowded marketplace and getting noticed. They do send us cool promotional materials. Their Ninjak and X-O Manowar are well liked here.
IDW's My Little Pony. Out of all the comic titles, that has been the most steady seller for the year. The people who have it on their pull lists still do and not a one of them have abandoned their pull box or dropped it. One of these days I keep thinking the kids who like it will grow out of it but so far they haven't.
I am still able to put up the good fight. Or at least in my eyes, I am.
Of course I am thankful for all our customers that spend their hard earned money here.
Seen the Justice League movie. Thankful for a League movie that I really enjoyed. The first end credit scene was a nice tip of the hat to old comics.
Next month is the new Star Wars movie.
Next week I write about Marvel finally making some changes, but are they too late?
Happy Thanksgiving everyone.