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Salt Lake Comic Con Gets a New Name, the FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention
You may have been following the recent court case in which Salt Lake Comic Con and San Diego Comic-Con went to war over the trademark "Comic Con" in a million dollar trial that saw San Diego win, get awarded $20,000 in damages and set a bit of a precedent. Previous to the trial the organisers of Salt Lake stated that they wouldn't change their name if they lost, but appeal. Then they started wobbling on that a little and started asking people for suggestions for a new name. Today it seemed that other show dropped as their website featured a new name for the show.
The FanX Salt Lake Comic Convention.
Which could have saved them a seven-figure sum if they'd switched to that in the beginning… Enough to buy ten Stan Lees or thereabouts.
The trial was peculiar on all sorts of levels, depending which media sources you read, and the opening statements caused much discussion. But it seemed in the end it was an open and shut case. And Salt Lake Comic Con organiser Bryan Brandenburg even apologised to San Diego Comic Con.
Well, it is the season of seeking forgiveness. And with peace and goodwill to all men, he even announced that he and his wife were expecting. A Christmas miracle! Congratulation all.
Just don't call the little one Comic Con, with or without the hyphen, or the lawyers will be back!