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Necropolitan Kickstarter Plays a Game of Thrones… in Hell
Mike Phillips writes:
WARNING: This comic series is for mature readers, and some images below contain graphic content.
Welcome to (our version of) Hell! We're launching a Kickstarter campaign for issues #1 and 2 of our ongoing series Necropolitan! The elevator pitch is "It's like Gangs of New York or Game of Thrones meet Highlander in modern-day Hell."
(Please CLICK over to our Kickstarter page to learn more.)
Disgraced marine Mark "The Kraigslist Killer" Hernandez has died in an assassination attempt gone wrong. Is his unexpected death actually a welcome relief from his tortured Earthly existence? Not a chance! He awakens in Hell and is immediately gathered up by Jack the Ripper and Elizabeth Bathory! You see, this lovely pair of historical villians collects serial killers for Hell's very powerful Roman clan. In the opening arc, we follow Mark during his first three days in Hell, being trained as a Roman goon.
Who's in charge around here, you ask? Where's St. Lucifer? Well, He disappeared hundreds of years ago, without a word. He's just a rumor anymore. In His absence, all of history's worst people have gotten a foothold in this punishment dimension, and they're making the most of it. They've formed clans and are battling – Gangs of New York style – for His vacant kingdom.
The clans playing this terrible game for St. Lucifer's throne are the Romans' serial killers going up against Robespierre's gangsters, Genghis Khan's barbarians, Aleister Crowley's wizards, Beelzebub's demons, and a secret clan to be revealed in a shocking moment in the second arc.
Once Mark gets acclimated in the first issue (as much as one can get acclimated to Hell), his training begins in issue #2. He was recruited by the Romans because of his killer skillset, and he adapts quickly.
You'll notice that most characters have a halo. This is a little gift the absent St. Lucifer still imparts to each newborn human (via branding devices at the Birthing Docks). A halo gives its owner a small fraction of St. Lucifer's power. Scalping others and adding more power (Highlander style) to your own scalp will make you a major player. To lose your scalp leads to brutal ruin.
The only things that can cut through halo-protected skin are hard gems like diamonds and rubies. Thus halos and gems are Hell's most valued currencies.
With a cast of characters as large as a Google search for "worst people in history," you're in for the wildest battle royale comics has ever seen.
Necropolitan #1 and 2 are written, illustrated, and lettered by Mike Phillips, Julian Darius, Steven Legge, and Donovan Yaciuk, and published by Martian Lit.