Preview Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles x Naruto #2, where two legendary ninja teams face off against the Foot Clan while learning to work together beneath Big Apple Village.
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: avatar, dark horse, james cameron
Because U Demanded It: Dark Horse to Publish James Cameron's Avatar Comic in January
Finally fulfilling the wishes of fans who have been begging for more of James Cameron's Avatar in comic book form, Dark Horse has announced they will publish an Avatar comic in January 2019. From the creative team of writer Sherri L. Smith, artist Jan Duursema, inker Dan Parsons, and colorist Wes Dzioba, Avatar: Tsu'tey's Path was revealed in a CBR EX-X-XCLUSIVE. The comic is set during the events of the hit 2009 film.
Are you happy now people? Someone must have wanted this, right?
Avatar: Tsu'tey's Path #1 hits stores on January 16, 2019. Here's a small taste, a cover by Doug Wheatley.
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