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The Brutality Of Batman Crosses a Line in Batman #59 Twist (SPOILERS)
So it's the Penguin who turns on Bane. After the death of his wife, he goes to Batman to tell him that all his woes are at the hand of Bane, meant to be held in Arkham Asylum under lock and key, but who we have seen in recent issues as up and about and managing everyone from Batman's parallel father to Gotham Girl to Catwoman's bestie. And after walking through the guards, finding the gibbering, helpless Bane. And going all Batman on him in a padded cell.
You know, Nightwing is fine, Bruce. he just can't remember you. He's doing okay…
With Bane not putting up a single piece of resistance, the reader asks – exactly who should be in that padded cell? And when Batman's oldest friend steps in, it doesn't really help things…
Oh dear. A line has been crossed.
Of course, it's not like it's the very first time it's happened. Just the other month, in Batman: Kings Of Fear #2…
…a hallucinatory Batman did something similar.
And the other way around has happened too.
It's hardly one punch.
But he has no excuses this time… and he's fallen for the This Was All Part Of The Plan trope that was so popular in superhero movies a few years ago, specifically Dark Knight and Avengers…
(W) Tom King (A/CA) Mikel Janin
Caught between Batman and his unseen enemy, the Penguin has to think on his feet to avoid being taken down by either side. If he chooses one way, he goes to jail; if he chooses the other, he ends up dead. Then again, the choice seems obvious. Is Batman ready for a new kind of avian sidekick?In Shops: Nov 21, 2018
SRP: $3.99