Posted in: Comics | Tagged: caspar wijngaard, Comics, Dan Watters, entertainment, kickstarter, neil gibson, Olly MacNamee, Tortured Life, twisted dark
A Tortured Kickstarter As The Bloody Man Sets His Sights On Getting Carter
Olly MacNamee writes for Bleeding Cool:
Hot off the success of their recent re-mastered anthology series Twisted Dark (read my recent interview with writer and head honcho, Neil Gibson, here) T Pub have launched a Kickstarter campaign for their latest offering, Tortured Life that you can read about here.
It follows the story of Richard Carter who can see how people are going to die, whether he wants to or not. First he tries to save them, before he realizes that you can't cheat destiny. Even living a solitary existence is not enough. What's worse, soon after his powers manifest, up pops a demon assassin from the netherworld. His mission: get Carter.
The first issue was written by Gibson with the reigns for the remaining 5 issues of the 6 issue mini-series taken up by Dan Watters on writing duties with partner-in-crime, up and coming artist Caspar Wijngaard on art, a real find, I think, having seen how his art has developed over the years he's been with T Pub to a much more fluid and smooth style which can still instill the appropriate fear too. Just take a look at the otherworldly assassin, The Bloody Man. Talents to watch, one and all.
'The way that Neil set things up meant that we knew there was more to Richard's world than met even his eye, and I really wanted to ask that age old question: If you could look into the abyss, just what might be looking back?' – Dan Watters (writer)
'A visually visceral adventure through modern day London through to the hinges of the after life, drawing inspiration from Clive Barker, Lovecraft and sprinkled with a good dose of black humour. I'm immensely proud and excited to be a part of this project once more.' – Caspar Wjingaard (artist)
Pledges go up to £500, which will get you a whole plethora of goodies from Neil and the boys. I like the idea of getting a character named after me in an upcoming edition of Twisted Dark, but if you can't afford that, there's always pledges for a mere pound too.
Olly MacNamee teaches English and Media, for his sins, in a school somewhere in Birmingham. Some days, even he doesn't know where it is. Follow him on twitter @ollymacnamee or read about his exploits at Or don't.