Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Batman, bestseller, bleedingcool, civil war, Comics, convergence, dc, entertainment, marvel, Secret Wars, spider-gwen, star wars, thor
Bleeding Cool Bestseller List – 17th May 2015 – It's No Secret
This is the Top Ten Bleeding Cool Bestseller List, as compiled by a number of comic stores from their sales on Wednesday and Thursday. It measures what are known as the "Wednesday Warriors", those who can't wait to the weekend to get this week's comics. We salute you, and the keenness you bring to your passion.
And Secret Wars #2 is the top selling book from every retailer on our list, a feat only previously matched by Secret Wars #1 and Star Wars #1. And note, the second print of Batman #40 beats all but one of every DC title this week. Image Comics places three in the top ten… and only half the top ten are superhero comics. Goodness.
- 1. Secret Wars #2
2. Darth Vader #5
3. Thor #8
4. The Walking Dead #141
5. Convergence #6
6. Saga #28
7. Silk #4
8. Chrononauts #3
9. Uncanny Avengers #4
10. Batman #40 2nd Print
Thanks to the following retailers
- Dr. No's Comics & Games Superstore of Marietta, Georgia
- Jetpack Comics of Rochester, New York
- Fat Jack's Comicrypt of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
- Yesteryear Comics of San Diego, California
- Jesse James Comics of Glendale, Arizona
- Pittsburgh Comics of McMurray, Pennsylvania
- Rodman Comics of Ankeny,
- G-Mart Comic Books of Champaign, Illinois
Who had this to say,
You know you have one of your strongest weeks when the first 7 titles are in triple digit sales. Marvel takes the top 4 spots in the first 5 positions . Walking Dead losing its #1 stature in many years and comes in 4th. Dc takes 6th and 7th with Convergence and Batman 40 2nd print. Image finishes strong with 8,9,10 spots with Run Love Kill barely out selling Saga and east of West. We also saw a new demographic in our store this week as our traditional 35 and older average age saw a huge 25 to 30 group shop at our store. This meant a HUGE amount of trades sold As Civil War trades explode in sales.
Big, big Marvel week. Secret Wars, Thor, Uncanny Avengers, Ms. Marvel, Darth Vader. Cap & the Mighty Avengers continues to do really well here.
DC.. Not so much. I don't know that I've ever heard more vocal dissatisfaction with a Big Two product. Convergence #6 took our #3 spot BARELY above Saga #28. Every week people buying it tell me they hate it.
That was DC's only spot on the list outside of Astro City.
No other Convergence title came within a whisper of the top ten.
Low sales week in general but a lot of good books out.Convergence Shadow of the Bat would have charted, but it went AWOL. Secret Wars still very very strong. Excited to see the response to the tie-ins. Convergence interest is waning. Looking forward to getting DC back on track in June.
Great week for sales. A lot of great books came out and people responded. Secret Wars was the top dog, but Vader and Thor gave it a run for it's money. Thor was the only complete sell out so it should still be good for sales all weekend long
Star Wars were the back-issue movers. I have a feeling people at going to be a little smarter when it comes to these issues and jump on them now instead of waiting to the last minute.
Back issues that are in demand? Deadpool of course. Suicide Squad. And a suprise this week. My Little Pony. Kids are really getting into the comic.
Secret Wars 2 blew out the doors Wednesday. It sold faster than Secret Wars 1 did. We had people picking up last weeks first issue along with the second issue. Secret Wars is currently destorying Marvel's last crossover Axis saleswise. Convergence still amazes me. Convergence Green Arrow 2 sold more than the regular Green Arrow series does for us. Perfect storm for us sales wise this week with Secret Wars, Convergence, Darth Vader, Thor 8, Walking Dead 141, and more arriving. Wednesday was one of our best new comic sales days this year.
TONS of excellent books battled it out for the top spot, but just like last week, Secret Wars wiped the floor with the competition. Not even Walking Dead, Saga, and Vader could dethrone the champ! Interesting to see if the sales for the main series will carry over to any of the tie-ins…
Convergence is starting to pick up here, and I was pleasantly surprised to see Chrononauts and Injection make our top ten!
Lots of people coming in for older issues of Hickman's Avengers run. Heard a lot of people say that they were lost while reading Secret Wars #1, so they want to try and see if reading any of the previous issues will help them.
The DC Farewell Tour continues, and way too many fans are saying goodbye. It's a good thing a lot of those June launches are returnable, because I think DC has unrealistically high expectations of the demand for most of these duds.
Of course, we sold every copy of What IF V1 #10 (featuring Jane Foster as Thor) right away once the word got out that we had a few. Also have seen renewed interest in Marvel Star Wars back issues, as well as selling our last copies of the Russ Cochran slipcased Star Wars Comic Strip HC set by Russ Manning.