Posted in: Comics | Tagged: beer, Elysian The Immortal IPA
Booze Geek: Elysian The Immortal IPA
Beer: Elysian The Immortal IPA
Brewery: Elysian Brewing Company
Two Elysian beers in a row? They must be in the market just for me to scope out.
The Immortal is an IPA. Like the Space Dust, when poured into a glass, it produces a fantastic head. The beer itself is an attractive golden body, with a tint of orange or brick to it. It features only a mild carbonation.
The Immortal produces a light smell of hops and has an earthy scent to it. Neither scent is particularly strong, so smell is not in The Immortal's strong points. When drank, the hop flavor is prevalent, but not overbearing. In fact, this is one of the milder IPAs I have drunk. Rather than hops, The Immortal has more of a malty flavor to it and has a slightly sweet finish to it.
On the palate, The Immortal is smooth to drink. Its carbonation does not have much presence, so it is comfortable on your tongue. Overall, The Immortal is far milder IPA than most others. It goes down nicely, but generally is fairly standard in most other regards.
What to Drink This To:
Looking at the artwork and going by the name, the most obvious suggestion would be movies set around gods, pantheons and mythology. Jason and the Argonauts, Clash of the Titans and others come to mind. However, as a comic book fan, I would say put a bottle of this back while reading Ed Brubaker and Matt Fraction's excellent run on The Immortal Iron Fist.