Posted in: Comics | Tagged: temperature, uk, weather
Comic Creators Start To Melt As UK Heads To Highest Temperature Ever
A heatwave is hitting Britain, a country not built for it. Today temperatures are expected to hit 40 to 41 degrees centigrade/Celsius today, a new record for the country. For Americans, that's 104 to 106 Fahrenheit. The British Met Office is also stating there is an outside chance of 43C or 109-110F tomorrow. The temperature is expected to drop on Wednesday but only to around 30C. Here is how comic book creators on these fair shores have been reacting this morning as the temperatures start to creep up.
Joe Glass: Christ, it's 19degrees already and it's not even 9am?!
Alex Paknadel: Hotting up now. I'm going to draw the curtains and listen to Depeche Mode all day. Wake me when the sun's over.
PJ Holden: It's 24C (not even properly warm yet. in the flat and let me tell you, I am not in any built for any heat. I hate it…. At this point you'd think the world had seen enough black swan events to realise we should be prepping for black Swan events.
Martin Stiff: I don't know if anyone's mentioned this today, but phew, it's hot out there!
Jamie Smart: I remember the great fire of London in 1666, now that was hot, didn't see me complaining did you. No, because I wasn't woke. Also I died from heat exhaustion. I forget where this story's going.
Duncan Jones: For those of you flippantly suggesting that your equatorial homes deal with 40/104 degrees every summer, the problem is that most of the buildings in the UK were constructed when the Thames used to freeze over in Winter. They are built to retain heat… Now they are ovens.
Mary Safro: I agree that UK houses can't cope with the heat having lived there for over a decade, however people tend to say that and then claim UK houses are built for winter and let me tell you They are not. UK houses are not built for any weather above or below exactly 15C
Chloe Green: Nothing in the UK is ready for anything other than middle ground weather. As soon as it's cold trains stop running, when its hot trains stop running… if it snows roads close, if its hot roads melt. We're incapable of anything.
Kieron Moore: It's already too hot and it's gonna get 12 degrees hotter, I do not approve
Ramsey Hassan: LONDONERS! I have a short play on at the @OmnibusTheatre as part of their Engine Room night NEXT MONDAY! Get out of the blistering heat and see some fun theatre
Nate Phoenix: Addendum: It is now 10:10 and 25 degrees.
Jim Stafford: Jeez louise. Good luck, that sounds brutal. I'm hiding in my studio with the blinds down and a 14" fan blasting in my face. I hope you're allowed to 'sample' the ice cream as and when required.
John Reppion: Me to my nephew (who is in his 20s): "Apparently, its supposed to hit 40 degrees next week, but I don't understand that, because its not in Celsius." Him: "No… 40 degrees Fahrenheit is like almost freezing point, so they do mean Celsius." Me: "Oh. Sh-t."… 20 C is a nice, decent temperature. Like, a bit warm for indoors, but nice enough. 27 C is when its blistering hot. Draw the curtains and sit in the dark weather. I cannot even imagine what 40 C feels like.
Keep in the shade, lots of ice and water, tinfoil over the windows and good luck out there. And the UK tabloids have their own advice, courtesy of yesterday's Sunday Sport.