Posted in: Comic Show, Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment
A Comic Show: Doom Patrol And Clone Conspiracy Reborn
Aaron Haaland, of A Comic Shop of Orlando, Florida, writes,
Hey Fandom! We survived Hurricane Mathew and the second presidential debate, and are rewarded with a great stack of new comics! Doom Patrol #2 made me not feel so alone in this world. All Star Batman #3 mixes hardcore action with dark humor and black metal! DC has a slew of great rebirth books. If you're not gonna pick up Slott's Clone Conspiracy #1 you may as well drop his Amazing Spider-man altogether (it's that important). Several Marvel Now books are discussed and worth checking out. Mark Millar & Greg Capullo's Reborn #1 is gold. Who doesn't want to know what happens after we die, and wouldn't it be great if it was kick ass and not just a lot of choir singing? Eric Powell's Chimichanga is here along with new printings of his Hillbilly. I'm gonna try to ignore politics for awhile and enjoy more comics!