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Four Comics I'd Fund If I Lived On Mike Bloomberg's $2 Billion A Year
It's not often a good idea to count other people's money, but after listening to Dinesh Shamdasani talk about how he's spending his Valiant severance package, I got to thinking: Who or what would I patronize with the $2 billion a year that plutocratic Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bloomberg lives on?
(An aside: Shamdasani tells a couple great anecdotes as well as gives some valuable inside baseball on that Off Panel interview. You can hear the wistfulness in his voice when he says he'd have stayed at Valiant his entire life. Go listen.)
First, I'd buy original pages from Becky Cloonan, Tula Lotay, Bryan Talbot, Rosemary Valero-O'Connell, Juan Giménez, and Enki Bilal. After that? I think I'd get the following works republished or continued.
The first, of course, is Kurosagi Corpse Delivery Service. I know Dark Horse will continue to publish the series in English, but it went away once, and now that it's back, I don't want to ever give it up again. With $2 billion comes the ability to have Mike Richardson take meetings with you, and to do so seriously. Telling him "Look, as long as you want to publish Kurosagi, I'll write the check" sounds like a pretty good life choice to me.
China Miéville's (and Mateus Santolouco, and Alberto Ponticelli [and David Lapham somehow?] and you get the idea) Dial H For Hero. It appeared in the second wave of last decade's DC relaunch called the New 52, and it stole my heart. Which, given that I like Miéville's prose and read most of his novels, shouldn't surprise me. But it did. Miéville's strengths include writing monsters, and Dial H's conceit let him run wild. Bless DC for saying yes to his pitch. With $2 billion, I'm sure I could talk DC into getting the band back together.
P. Craig Russell's Elric: Stormbringer. Is this in licensing hell? I would've thought with Titan republishing a bunch of the Russell Elric, Stormbringer (originally published by Topps and Dark Horse) would be next in line. With $2 billion, I could pay a team of lawyers to jump track down the rights and get this back in the hands of readers.
I believe Jude will kill me if I don't mention X-Men Forever, ahh hell, I'll just have him say it: "Sadly, the comic was canceled after just 16 issues, leaving its storylines unfinished, and other than a Nightcrawler series a few years later, Marvel has continued to pay [Chris] Claremont to remain Marvel EX-X-XCLUSIVE but refuses to allow him to write anything more than one-shots and short stories in anthologies. But we'll always have X-Men Forever, and I continue to hold out hope that, any day now, Akira Yoshida will stop f***ing around and announce X-Men Forever 3."