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ComicsPRO: Jeph Loeb & Jim Lee On How Batman Hush 2 Will Change Things

ComicsPRO: Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee on how Batman Hush 2 is going to change Batman continuity when it launches from DC Comics next month.

Article Summary

  • Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee announce Batman Hush 2, expanding the original's universe in a modern context.
  • Batman Hush 2 spans 12 issues, with Jason Todd playing a major role and introducing new characters.
  • Loeb and Lee aim to make Hush 2 a gateway for new fans, ensuring continuity and character intros.
  • Jim Lee balances art updates for continuity; collaboration with Batman writer summit ensures impact.

Today, Jim Lee woke up at 11 am in Glendale, California, showered and got to the ComicsPRO comic book retailer summit in twelve minutes to join Jeph Loeb in time to give the following presentation. Such a slacker, Jim, I'm been up for twelve hours.

Batman Hush 2 Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee
Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee at ComicsPRO screencap

But they were here to plug Batman Hush 2, the new sequel story arc starting next month in Batman #158 for six issues, but the story has been split into two with a concluding six issues as its own series to be published later.

ComicsPRO: Jeph Loeb & Jim Lee On How Batman Hush 2 Will Change Things
Batman Hush 2 at ComicsPRO screencap

Jeph Loeb said it was like Wicked split into two. And while the original Hush series teased that it may have resurrected Jason Todd, since then, Jason Toidd has been resurrected, and so he will play a giant role in this sequel, But it will also bring in new characters…

Batman Hush 2 Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee
Batman Hush 2 at ComicsPRO screencap

One of the challenges with making Hush 2 was bringing it into modern continuity, such as the portrayal of Gotham resident Leslie Tomkins, who was seen as older in the original story, but modern continuity, post New 52, is now much younger.

Batman Hush 2 Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee
Batman Hush 2 at ComicsPRO screencap

So, to thread the needle, Jim Lee will portray her halfway between, and suggesting that she "had some work done".

Batman Hush 2 Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee
Batman Hush 2 at ComicsPRO screencap

But it was important for both of them that Hush2 be in continuity, so fans had to buy it. They worked with Chip Zdarsky and Jorge Jimenez of the previous Batman run to live everything up.

Batman Hush 2 Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee
Batman Hush 2 at ComicsPRO screencap

And part of that, Jeph and Jim say that something major happens in this story that will affect not just Batman, but the entire Batfamily of books, and had was something that they had to take to the Batman writers summit.

Batman Hush 2 Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee
Batman Hush 2 at ComicsPRO screencap

Jeph Loeb is intending to make this "a gateway drug" as retailers often state to him that they hand out Long Halloween and Hush to potential new Batman readers, as they don't have to have read a hundred years of continuity.

Batman Hush 2 Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee
Batman Hush 2 at ComicsPRO screencap

And that is the intention with Hush 2, with every character and concept getting a proper introduction, you won't have to have read the original to enjoy it."

Batman Hush 2 at ComicsPRO screencap
Batman Hush 2 at ComicsPRO screencap

Jeph also fanboyed over this image by Jim Lee, referencing Christopher Nolan, which Jim Lee joked was what he'd typed into the AI engine. But Jeph pointed out that even after Jim Lee had finished the page, he went back in to add garbage bags on the side. "It's Gotham City, they're on strike" joked Jim…

Batman Hush 2 Jeph Loeb and Jim Lee
Batman Hush 2 at ComicsPRO screencap

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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