How much is Martha Wayne worth dead? And who else is Bruce Wayne telling his secret to? Absolute Batman #6 Spoilers
Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment
Dark Nights: Metal On Front Of Next Week's Diamond Previews, Nightmare Before Christmas On The Back
The new series/event from Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo, Dark Nights: Metal hits the cover of next week's Diamond Previews, with a little tip in from Tom King and Mitch Gerard's Mister Miracle.
With Diamond's own Nightmare Before Christmas toys on the back.
While Marvel Comics put the Generations image from Alex Ross on the front of their tip-in guide…
And the new Mike Mignola graphic novel, Mr Higgins Comces Home covers the Customer Order Form.
As Squirrel Girl goes front and centre on the Previews Graphic Novels Summer 2017 volume courtesy of Erica Henderson.

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