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David Gallaher Hospitalised After Trying To Prevent New York Assault

David Gallaher is comic book co-creator of High Noon, Only Living Boy and writer of The Winter Guard from Marvel, Green Lantern Corps from DC and Mighty Crusaders: The Shield with Rob Liefeld from Archie Comics. But he has been performing some superheroics of his own – and come a cropper. He writes on a GoFundMe;

On March 4th of this year, I was assaulted in the streets of Park Slope in the middle of the afternoon trying to call 911 to prevent a 13-year old girl from being assaulted. A gang of kids punched me, threw trash at me, and pelted me with rocks. I was hospitalized at New York Methodist in Brooklyn with a broken cheekbone and kidney damage. While health insurance was able to cover the initial ER costs — the cost of the imaging, including MRI, X-Ray, and CT Scan adds up, as does the aftercare. I am asking for a little bit of help to get me through the end of the month to cover medical bills, lost week of work, and subsequent court costs. Fortunately, there was a video of the incident and the suspects were arrested hours after the assault. I have been working with the DA and other groups to bring a degree of restorative justice to this case. My hope is that some good will come out of this harrowing event and that justice will be served.

David Gallaher
David Gallaher from GoFundMe

Gallaher told the New York Post "I would do it again. I mean, I think that at the end of the day, it's our responsibility as people, and certainly as New Yorkers, to step in and do what we can when people can't fight for themselves… I pulled out my phone to call 911, and two of the kids came up to me, and were threatening to punch me, threatening to hurt me". Which they then did."It's weird to me — that was just for calling 911. Imagine had it been like me punching somebody, or imagine it being an actual fight. I got assaulted just for trying to help somebody in a very non-aggressive way. The two things that really sort of surprised me were that it happened in the middle of the day, in the middle of the afternoon on a Friday in broad daylight, and that nobody else stood up for this girl."

Gallaher has managed to raise just over hi $6150 goal to help with his costs. "I can talk, but I'm still in pain, and I was actually in tremendous pain when it all happened. And once you're on the Percocet, you're sleeping for like a day. You're not working," he said. "So this week, not that I'm feeling better, it's literally a week of all-nighters, because even though the GoFundMe helped with money, the GoFundMe doesn't repair my reputation if I misstep."

Creators who have donated money include John Roberts, Sean Kleefeld, Adam Freeman, Michael Wernke, Colleen Doran, Evan Skolnick, Eric Palicki, Joshau Elder, James Faeber and more.

David Gallaher Hospitalised After Trying To Prevent New York Assault David Gallaher Hospitalised After Trying To Prevent New York Assault David Gallaher Hospitalised After Trying To Prevent New York Assault

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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