Posted in: Comics, Marvel Comics | Tagged: ant man, donny ctaes, markosia, marvel, midnight kidd, Ryan Stegman, tony lee
Donny Cates' First Comics Credit Was As An Artist On Ant-Man & Wasp
Ryan Stegman and Donny Cates have shared their first creator credits on YouTube and Substack. And while I knew Ryan's first, I did not know Donny's.
Ryan Stegman was on the coming Midnight Kiss written by another friend of Bleeding Cool, Tony Lee, and published by Markosia, from 2006. And that first issue going for a couple of bucks on eBay.
But even more intriguingly is Donny Cates, whose first art credit is as an artist and for Marvel Comics. How? "I was an intern at this time, it was like 2010, 2011. Part of my job as an intern was to write the recaps for the front of every issue. And the gag for this issue was that Eric O'Grady, the Irredeemable Ant-Man, was doodling in Hank Pym's notebook. His little stick figure drawings would tell the story of the last issue, right? And Jordan White who's now the editor of the X-Men line- I was his intern- he asked me if I would draw the stick figures and do all that. And I was like, "yeah, sure, I'll try." And so I did it. And I did my goddamndest." There are two of them and they appear in Ant Man & Wasp #2 and #3 they look like this;
So his work on that Spawn and The King In Black variant covers is a step up! As it stands, Ant-Man And Wasp just sold for $17 for all 3 issues on eBay today, it's a hard comic book to track down. Might it go higher? But hold fast, right now that is not for the first actual Donny Cates credited Marvel comic. Donny Cates says "There's actually a previous credit before the Marvel one, but you'll have to search high and low for that one because I'm not going to tell you…"