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Emily Brooks Millar Has Her Very Own Millarworld On Kickstarter

Mark Millar's daughter, artist Emily Brooks Millar, is launching her own comic books on Kickstarter, Be More Gus and As Told By Rats.

Article Summary

  • Emily Brooks Millar launches own comics on Kickstarter, raising over $4.5K.
  • Mark Millar supports his daughter's comic book creations in Millarworld.
  • 'Be More Gus' and 'As Told By Rats' offer humor and life's moral lessons.
  • Emily Brooks Millar nurtures storytelling within her 'A Broken Apple' universe.

Mark Millar's daughter, artist Emily Brooks Millar, is launching her own comic books on Kickstarter, with less than two days to go. Two of them, Be More Gus and As Told By Rats. With a little help from her dad, who has been running her work in the back of his Millarworld titles from Netflix/Image/Dark Horse for a little while now, he says "You have no idea how happy I am right now… I absolutely love the fact that she's making comics on top of her successful career as an international painter. I've secretly wanted her to do this from the moment she was born so I couldn't be more proud that she has two books out this year and I'll have them on my shelves under MILLAR next to my own." I know how it goes… did you see the back cover credits to this Bad Idea comic, Odinn's Eye #3? Here's a better look.

Emily Millar Has Her Very Own Millarworld On Kickstarter

Emily Brooks Millar has currently raised $4,565 against a goal of$2,539 – or £2000 – from 60 backers with about 35 hours to go. She says "Over the last 2 years, I've exhibited my work internationally and have regularly worked with groups such as BBC, Image Comics, Netflix US & The Big Issue. I grew up within Millarworld & the MCU so story-telling runs through my veins! My work focuses on morality, with a (sometimes) dark sense of humour and satirical undertone. Albeit different in nature, both graphic novels exist within my own created universe; Gus the eternal optimist and Rats who have chosen a life of crime. In the spirit of keeping self-publishing & independence alive, this felt like the perfect time to share these important projects with you. Kickstarter allows for the transparency, variation and the community that I've been looking for!"

As for the comics, "'As Told By Rats' & 'Be More Gus' have been developed in my home studio, from start to finish. Initially, I was looking to indulge a world without consequences; where street vermin felt like the perfect partnership. From here, the project grew further. The unpredictability of ATBR naturally led me to a second creation- the embodiment of Zen in a world gone mad, Gus. These graphic novels certainly cover both ends of the emotional spectrum: from peaceful to chaotic! However, within the 'A Broken Apple' Universe, they share a lot of common ground. They bring laughter, self reflection and the most important lesson… that cookies can be a currency!"


"'As Told By Rats' indulges the biographical stories of the Rat Pack, who are committed to a life of crime. This tongue-in-cheek exploration of behaviour and social issues depicts the worst decision winning… every single time. Over 120 pages, topics such as domestication, denial and getting rich-quick are uncovered. Each single-page strip takes us on a new adventure with an unpredictable end. (The Rats may be small but they are violent, so proceed with caution!) Age Rating: Recommended for 16+"


"'Be More Gus' follows the everyday small pleasures of a nattily dressed chihuahua, Gus. This 112 page graphic novel takes us on a relaxing journey from start to finish, where Grandma, Grandpa, Worm & Joey often tag along. Gus made his debut in The Big Issue UK (2022), and is now looking to spread happiness further! Regardless of wealth or social status, each double-page spread depicts a dopamine inducing experience for us all. Age Rating: All Ages"

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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