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Eugeen's Irving The Evil Wizard #1 in Aloha September 2024 Solicits

Irving The Evil Wizard is being repackaged, republished and recredited in English by Aloha Comics as part of their September 2024 solicits.

Article Summary

  • Aloha Comics brings "Irving The Evil Wizard" to English readers in September 2024.
  • Originally by Kiyamov Zhenya, repackaged with Eugeen credited as the creator.
  • The comic features a debauched fairy-tale kingdom and an evil wizard protagonist.
  • Aloha Comics, known for SCP Foundation works, now ventures into Russian comics.

Originally credited to Kiyamov Zhenya and published by the Russian book publisher KomFederation in 2017, Irving The Evil Wizard is being repackaged, republished and recredited in English by Aloha Comics as part of their September 2024 solicits and solicitations, credited to "Eugeen".


(W) Eugeen (CA) Eugeen
A mind-blowing fairytale for adults! Irving lived the calm and peaceful life of an evil wizard: he dutifully attended Friday night sabbats, indulged in unicorn dust, and occasionally disturbed the public order with his drunk little magic tricks. Alas! It all came to an end when king Ominus inherited the throne of the Rainbow Kingdom and decided to carry out some… reformations with a little help from the long-dead and hell-bound head of the Third Reich.
In Shops: Sep 04, 2024

This is how the original was pitched: "Irving is 100% an evil wizard, and don't let his rosy cheeks and beady eyes fool you. The fairy-tale kingdom is mired in corruption and debauchery, and the only way out of this deplorable situation, which King Gwalthus finds, is to call the top of the Third Reich for help from hell. And, of course, only Irving is able to cope with this task! So what could go wrong here, you ask? All! Everything! Through the efforts of Irving and the mad king, a stupid, politically incorrect joke turns upside down not only the kingdom and the ways of life of the heroes, but literally the comic itself. Enjoy your journey into the insanely bright and hilariously funny magical world of Irving!"" And here's how it originally looked;

Aloha Comics started in 2020 as a small team of designers and printing specialists worked under their imprint ParaBooks, publishing horror art books and comic books (mostly related to the SCP Foundation). In 2023, they decided to expand and also publish manga, manhua, and manhwa under their new imprint, Aloha Comics. And now… Russian comics?

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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