Posted in: Comics | Tagged: 2012, Comics, fcbd, free comic book day, jetpack comics, rochester
FCBD 2012: Jetpack Comics of Rochester, New Hampshire… And Lyon
Every year Jetpack Comics hosts a Free Comic Book Day Festival, across Rochester in New Hampshire. Thousands attend what has to be one of the largest Free Comic Book Day events in the country.
The event starts in Jetpack Comics at 10am but then extends across the town with many other businesses giving away comic books as part of a scavenger hunt, collecting one free comic from twenty locations, before returning to Jetpack Comics at 4pm for a meet and greet with a select two hundred.
David Petersen, Justin Jordan and Trad Moore will sign from 2-4pm. The Mouse Guard hardcover FCBD book by Petersen is probably going to be the most sought after book across the country, and the Free Comic Book Day Festival and Jetpack will have thousands of copies to give away. Looks like David's wrist is about to become very tired indeed.
Tyler James will be signing and selling copies of The Red Ten, in the vendor hall, along with other creators, local businesses and other comic shops, all giving away stuff. Another hall will run Magic The Gathering events as well as a HeroClix tournament.
Jason Ciaramella and Craig Shepard will be producing a free ashcan comic, Danger Boys – Adventure by Flashlight!, specifically for the event alongside the signed copies of Jason's The Cape comic sold with a free pint glass. Cape writer Joe Hill will also be popping by.
Then in the evening, thre's an FCBD dinner, billiards and karaoke…
But while all that's going on, over in Lyon, France…