Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, dc, dc comics, entertainment, future's end
First Look: DC Comics' Futures End #0 (BIG TIME SPOILERS)
Diamond Comic Distributors have very kindly agreed to send me the full wodge of Free Comic Book Day 2014 comics for review – with the proviso that they are to be embargoed until, the 28th April. Which, I think, is very fair and I was happy to agree.
DC Comics however did not agree to include Futures End #0 in that bundle. So they aren't part of any embargo.
Handy that, as an store on the East Coast has sent me a few scanned panels of that Free Comic Book Day title, for editorial analysis and criticism and to try and whip folk into, well, placing some pre-orders on the series…
So what can we learn about the future of Futures End?
Well, in thirty-five years time, the Flash has grown a white beard. And he's on first name terms with Captain Cold.
So what's happened to the rest of the Justice League?
Wonder Woman is a Brother Eye bug.
So is Aquaman.
So is John Constantine. And so is Big Ben clock tower.
Booster Gold is a bug.
John Stewart has managed not to die or become a bug. High five to Joshua Hale Fialkov? Sadly we can't say the same for Blue Beetle.
Superman is a bug. Well, he and Wonder Woman can remain in buggy love then.
Batman Inc are bugs.
Deathstroke and Hal Jordan (or Simon Baz) are not bugs but they are skeletons.
Frankenstein is… something else. And Black Canary is as we predicted – and not far off what I drew either..
Somehow Amethysta and Grifter are not bugs. But also, note, no new characters have been created in the last thirty-five years.
Batman and Batman Beyond are doing their best to look at much like the TV show, in format at least.
But what's going on between them? That's right folks, it's time travel. Well, if Marvel can steal Identity Crisis to create Original Sin, then DC can steal from Age Of Ultron and Days Of Future Past to create Futures End. Days Of Futures End?
Of course it's also a bit Twilight Of The Superheroes but with less Constantine.
Futures End #0 will be published and available on May 3rd, 2014…. for free.