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Who's the Better Detective: Batman or The Flash? Tomorrow's Flash #64 (Preview)

Batman is often known as The World's Greatest Detective, a moniker he earns by beating up mentally ill supervillains in the streets of Gotham City while dressed in a bat costume. The Flash, on the other hand, actually works in a crime lab, so you can see why he may want to lay claim to the mantle instead.

In next week's Flash #64, continuing the crossover between Batman and The Flash, these two heroes share their own private thoughts on the matter via caption box. For Barry Allen, it's no question: Batman is the best.

Who's the Better Detective: Batman or The Flash? Tomorrow's Flash #64 (Preview)

But for Batman, well, he's still gotta think about it.

Who's the Better Detective: Batman or The Flash? Tomorrow's Flash #64 (Preview)

Of course, later on, Barry reverses course, deciding Batman is the Watson to his Sherlock.

Who's the Better Detective: Batman or The Flash? Tomorrow's Flash #64 (Preview)

Though the reason why might be a little different than expected…

Who's the Better Detective: Batman or The Flash? Tomorrow's Flash #64 (Preview)

So the matter is still up for the debate then. Who's the greatest detective of all? What do you think?

The Flash #64 hits stores tomorrow.

Flash #64
(W) Joshua Williamson (A) Rafael Sandoval, Jordi Tarragona (CA) Tom Raney
"THE PRICE" part two! The two greatest detectives in the DC Universe take on the one cold case that will tear them apart!
As chief architect of the Sanctuary program that cost so much for so many, especially Wally West, Batman will be held accountable…by the Flash!
A cold case from the Justice League's past has mysteriously re-opened, and Batman and the Flash-the only two heroes who stand a chance of cracking the case-are at each other's throats! Our heroes must combat a demon from the past while burying their own inner demons in the process…and neither the World's Greatest Detective nor the Fastest Man Alive will ever be the same again! But who is really pulling the strings here? And how does Gotham Girl fit into all this? Friendships will be tested and blood will be spilled in this titanic crossover event…
In Shops: Feb 13, 2019
SRP: $3.99

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Jude TerrorAbout Jude Terror

A prophecy once said that in the comic book industry's darkest days, a hero would come to lead the people through a plague of overpriced floppies, incentive variant covers, #1 issue reboots, and super-mega-crossover events. Sadly, that prophecy was wrong. Oh, Jude Terror was right. For ten years. About everything. But nobody listened. And so, Jude Terror has moved on to a more important mission: turning Bleeding Cool into a pro wrestling dirt sheet!
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