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Is RB Silva Working On A New Justice League International Comic?
Artist RB Silva has totally been teasing his audience on Instagram with a series of pencil and ink drawings, with some rather entertaining hashtags and comments attached. We've been following them for the last few days and they seem to indicate a Justice League International made up of Hawkman, Booster Gold, Nightwing, Shazam, Red Tornado, Black Canary and Batgirl. Are these just sketches or something more? And if so, could this have anything to do with what Jeff Lemire was teasing recently?
Here are a few, with said comments, though it's probably the top one that's getting the most attention.
I can't talk about it. :) #hankman #boostergold #shazam #blackcanary #batgirl #redtornado #nightwing
#nightwing #gotham #dccomics #rbsilva #comicscharacter #sketch #draw #comics #new52 #process #dcuniverse
#boostergold #rbsilva #dccomics #art #bust #new52 #sketch #dcuniverse #bluepencil #comicscharacter #comics
#boostergold #rbsilva #new52 #coloring #comics #colorpencil #fabercastell #justiceleagueinternational #justiceleague #bust #ink
#shazam #dccomics #rbsilva #justiceleague #dcuniverse #art #draw #comicscharacter #ink #comics #sketch #new52
Shazam part 3 #shazam #dccomics #rbsilva #sketch #ink #coloring #art #draw #comicscharacter #comics #new52 #justiceleague
#superboy #rbsilva #dccomics #new52 #2013 #sketch #artboard #bluepencil #dcuniverse #comics #process
#redtornado #dccomics #rbsilva #new52 #sketch #bluepencil #process #dcuniverse
Step 2 #redtornado #dccomics #rbsilva #new52 #sketch #process #dcuniverse
Done. #redtornado #dccomics #rbsilva #dcuniverse #justiceofleague #justiceleagueinternational #nightwing #draw #art #comics