Posted in: Comics | Tagged: portsmouth2019
Joe Illidge Talks to Ram V, Alison Sampson and Sayra Begum at Portsmouth Comic Con (Video)
I had the pleasure of attending an Independent Voices panel at Portsmouth Comic Con yesterday, heading by A Wave Blue World's Joe Illidge, with Ram V, Alison Sampson and Sayra Begum in attendance. With the light shining in behind them, I took the opportunity to film them (albeit it quite a lot in silhouette) as they talked about their work, their process and expectations, ranging from physical fitness and mental wellbeing, how partners cope with your work, and the responsibilities to everyone.
As well as Sayra talking through Mongrel, Ram V on These Savage Shores and Allison Sampson on Winebago Graveyard – and Hit Girl.
I guess there will be quite a bit spilling out of Portsmouth Comic Con today…

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