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Jonathan Hickman's 3W3M Launches Its Own Comic Reading App

Jonathan Hickman, Mike del Mundo, and Mike Huddleston's 3W3M launches its own Comic Reading App, for iOS, Android and tablets.

Article Summary

  • 3W3M by Jonathan Hickman, Mike del Mundo, and Mike Huddleston launches a new comic reading app for iOS and Android.
  • The app aims to enhance community and interactivity, offering a unique experience beyond traditional comics.
  • The 3W3M app is an addition, not a replacement. Substack subscribers will continue to receive content unchanged.
  • 3W3M announces a third graphic novel sourcebook, HISTORIES, detailing the universe's cycles, eras, and pivotal events.

Jonathan Hickman, Mike del Mundo, and Mike Huddleston have created the Substack comics publisher Three Worlds Three Moons, or 3W3M, a shared universe of stories set across a solar system, sci-fi and fantasy together. And with guest writers and artists Steve Epting, Al Ewing, Christian Ward, Jason Howard, Ram V, Stephen Green, Tini Howard, Phil Hester, and more. And now, they have launched their own 3W3M app for reading their published comic books for iOS and android phones and tablets.


They state, "when it comes to comics, nothing will ever replace the printed book—a beautiful, discrete object that can sit on a shelf for generations. We love making things that people can hold and feel in their hands, and that will always be at the center of what we do."

But promise "There have been a lot of cool attempts by some amazing people in this space, but one of the things we loved about it was how much of it still somehow felt unexplored. We had a strong conviction that there were untapped strengths, particularly around community and interactivity, that we could take advantage of- but there was no single existing platform that had all those tools we needed to do that. So, we built one."

And reassure readers saying, "First, we built this to be additive, not as a replacement. We're not leaving Substack, and you'll still get all the same content in your inbox or via the Substack app that you already receive. Your subscription is still handled through your account here. You don't need to do or change anything."

Subscribers at the top echelon of 3W3M can download the test version now, rolling out to the rest of the paid subscribers in a couple of months.

3W3M also recently announced the third printed graphic novel sourcebook [HISTORIES] to follow [MAPS] and [SYSTEMS].

If [SYSTEMS] answered the what's of our new universe, and [MAPS] the where's, [HISTORIES] will provide the when's. It will cover in detail the cycles, eras, and epochs that define the three worlds and three moons. It's where you'll learn about the revolutions, wars, famines, plagues, breakthroughs and dynasties that set the stage for everything to come. And just like with the previous volumes, it will do so through story first, collecting six new comics (we're going a little longer on each this time) and featuring an incredible roster of artistic talent that we'll announce in the months ahead.

A plushie of their Havo, daemon god of mischief. The return of the weekly Sunday strip Academy with Steve Epting, telling the story of astronaut Tajo Vallar and Syg the Stag on the Kaoso moon. The return of The Vallars comic, the stories of a young Tajo Vallar and his adventuring family, for 2025. But also teased something bigger.

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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