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Marvel Comics Go To Court Over Wacoinda and Wakanda Wine Fest Trademarks
Earlier this year Bleeding Cool reported that Marvel Comics had opposed registrations from two separate companies that were of Wakanda in nature.
Firstly the cryptocurrency Wacoinda, the name of a black technology and economic Facebook group that is centred around cryptocurrency and financial education that focuses on black wealth, power, and influence.
And secondly, the Wakandan Wine Festival registered by Davon Hatchett, a blogger and Texas attorney specialising in intellectual property for the purposes of "charitable donation services, namely, providing educational special events, seminars, workshops in the field of wine." The T'Challa Beer trademark from the same article was abandoned by TCBP Holding earlier this year.
But the Wakandan Wine Festival and Wacoinda are going to court over it. Unless everyone can sit down and sort it out between them.
Here are the Wakandan Wine Festival set dates:
Time to Answer 12/17/2018
Deadline for Discovery Conference 1/16/2019
Discovery Opens 1/16/2019
Initial Disclosures Due 2/15/2019
Expert Disclosures Due 6/15/2019
Discovery Closes 7/15/2019
Plaintiff's Pretrial Disclosures Due 8/29/2019
Plaintiff's 30-day Trial Period Ends 10/13/2019
Defendant's Pretrial Disclosures Due 10/28/2019
Defendant's 30-day Trial Period Ends 12/12/2019
Plaintiff's Rebuttal Disclosures Due 12/27/2019
Plaintiff's 15-day Rebuttal Period Ends 1/26/2020
Plaintiff's Opening Brief Due 3/26/2020
Defendant's Brief Due 4/25/2020
Plaintiff's Reply Brief Due 5/10/2020
Request for Oral Hearing (option) Due 5/20/2020
And here are the Wacoinda dates:
Time to Answer 12/19/2018
Deadline for Discovery Conference 1/18/2019
Discovery Opens 1/18/2019
Initial Disclosures Due 2/17/2019
Expert Disclosures Due 6/17/2019
Discovery Closes 7/17/2019
Plaintiff's Pretrial Disclosures Due 8/31/2019
Plaintiff's 30-day Trial Period Ends 10/15/2019
Defendant's Pretrial Disclosures Due 10/30/2019
Defendant's 30-day Trial Period Ends 12/14/2019
Plaintiff's Rebuttal Disclosures Due 12/29/2019
Plaintiff's 15-day Rebuttal Period Ends 1/28/2020
Plaintiff's Opening Brief Due 3/28/2020
Defendant's Brief Due 4/27/2020
Plaintiff's Reply Brief Due 5/12/2020
Request for Oral Hearing (option) Due 5/22/2020
This could run and run.