Posted in: Bad Idea, Comics, Comics Publishers, Current News, Marvel Comics | Tagged: August 2023, Classified, marvel, Solicits
Marvel Comics Launches Something #CLASSIFIED For August 2023
As seen in the leaked Marvel August 2023 solicits and solicitations, that just ran on Bleeding Cool, Marvel is launching something Classified in August
As seen in the fully leaked Marvel Comics August 2023 solicits and solicitations, that just ran on Bleeding Cool, we have Marvel Comics launching something in August to which they are not giving a name. Not yet anyway. Not until they probably announce it at San Diego Comic-Con anyway. It's Classified.
Stay tuned for more information (including the actual title) in July!
40 PGS./RATED T+ …$4.99
Marvel Comics do like this, they already have Fallen Friend #1 in July which Bleeding Cool reckons will be Norman Osborn, which is to be revealed on the 31st of March. Is this what Marvel Comics does now? Launches a new book every month without revealing what it actually is? Are they stealing this idea from Bad Idea Comics? It looks like it. Here's "Fallen Friend" for comparison.
40 PGS./ONE-SHOT/Rated T+ …$4.99
Will Classified tie into Fall Of X (which it ran afterwards in the leaked solicitations) or will it be entirely its own thing? Not a clue. On a whim I asked ChatGPT to give me a history of other classified comics at Marvel and it told me
"One of the earliest examples of a classified comic book was "Marvel Super Heroes #18," published in 1969. The issue was labeled "classified" and featured a cover that only showed the eyes of a mysterious new character, who would later be revealed to be the superhero Captain Marvel."
I mean, that's just not true is it, that was the first appearance of the Guardians Of The Galaxy, Captain Marvel wasn;t in it and there was no classified cover. Captian Marvel's first appearance was in Marvel Super-Heroes #12 – and it did not have a classified cover.
"One of the most notable examples of a classified comic book was "The Amazing Spider-Man #121," published in 1973. The issue featured the death of Spider-Man's girlfriend Gwen Stacy, which was kept secret from fans until the issue was released. The cover of the issue showed only the Green Goblin's gloved hand holding a pumpkin bomb, which hinted at the tragic events inside."
I mean, the secret ending was indeed kept secret that was the right issue but no, that was not the cover at all. Is it me or is ChatGPT actually getting worse at this kind of thing?