Posted in: Comics | Tagged: dark horse, rose city comic con
Panels, Signings, And A Party As Dark Horse Encamps At Rose City Comic Con
Dark Horse's home show is Rose City Comic Con, and their involvement brings a lot to the show and gives fans plenty of opportunities to access creators. This year they have a party, tons of signings, and some really interesting panels (props for thinking of that Twitter one! See below!). It's kind of like an encampment of talent for Dark Horse at Rose City so if you're there, go be part of the celebration. And Happy Birthday to Donny Cates (Buzzkill, Ghostfleet, Paybacks) too.
They say:
"Visit Dark Horse Comics at Rose City Comic Con for free swag, such as comics, buttons, posters, and more! Check out our show exclusives, signings, and panels, too!
Lady Killer artist Joelle Jones will be designing graphic leggings live at the Dark Horse Booth on Saturday morning. We've teamed up with Bombsheller, the clothing company of the future to produce her design overnight! Place an order on Saturday and Bombsheller will custom make them for you to pick up at the Dark Horse booth on Sunday! Bombsheller make the highest quality graphic leggings in the world and we are thrilled to be showing off how quickly they can get art from Joelle's imagination onto your body.
Join Dark Horse Comics for the Rose City Comic Con After Party at Dante's, featuring Dark Horse themed drinks, Lonesome's Pizza, the HappyMatic photobooth, DJ Sean Aaberg of Pork Magazine, and Rogue's Hellboy Right Hand of Doom ale on tap. Free to badge holders (21+). Get ready for a weekend of fun!
BOOTH #1013
All creators signing in our booth offer their autographs for FREE. FREE prints, comics, or posters are provided for signings (while supplies last). You may purchase or bring items to be signed. Please note that some of the titles listed below have not been released for sale yet—in those cases, special prints will be available.
Lines may also be closed for some signings due to crowding or time restrictions.
All events are subject to change. Some restrictions apply. Please ask the Dark Horse Comics staff if you have questions.
10:30 a.m.–11:20 a.m. GIRLFIEND: Jacob Pander, Arnold Pander
11:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m. LADY KILLER: Joëlle Jones
12:30 p.m.–1:20 p.m. KING TIGER: Randy Stradley
1:30 p.m.–2:20 p.m. BARB WIRE: Chris Warner, Patrick Olliffe
2:30 p.m.–3:20 p.m. HARROW COUNTY, WITCHFINDER: Tyler Crook
THE GHOST FLEET: Daniel Warren Johnson
BANDETTE: Paul Tobin, Colleen Coover
4:30 p.m.–5:20 p.m. CALL OF DUTY: Larry Hama
5:30 p.m.–6:20 p.m. THE STRAIN: Mike Huddleston
ALIENS: Chris Roberson, Patric Reynolds
10:30 a.m.–11:20 a.m. MISFITS OF AVALON: Kel McDonald
THE ROOK: Paul Gulacy
11:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m. GRENDEL VS. THE SHADOW: Matt Wagner, Brennan Wagner
12:30 p.m.–1:20 p.m. THE NEW DEAL: Jonathan Case
1:30 p.m.–2:20 p.m. HIGH CRIMES, ALIEN VS. PREDATOR: Christopher Sebela
HIGH CRIMES: Ibrahim Moustafa
2:30 p.m.–3:20 p.m. MULAN: REVELATIONS: Marc Andreyko
POWER CUBED: Aaron Lopresti
3:30 p.m.–4:20 p.m. THE PAYBACKS, THE GHOST FLEET, BUZZKILL: Donny Cates
THE GHOST FLEET: Daniel Warren Johnson
Please join us at the panels below, brought to you by Dark Horse Comics and friends! Please visit for more panels featuring Dark Horse creators, as well as guidelines for attending panels.
10:30 a.m.–11:20 a.m. Panel Room 8
Lady Killer Spotlight
Josie Schuller is a picture-perfect homemaker, wife, and mother—but she's also a ruthless, efficient killer for hire! Join the creative team behind Lady Killer (Joëlle Jones, Jamie S. Rich, and Laura Allred) for a tell-all on the making of this hit new series.
11:30 a.m.–12:20 p.m. Panel Room 3
Comic Collaborations: Barb Wire vs. King Tiger
It's the behind-the-scenes battle of the century! Creative forces Randy Stradley (King Tiger) and Chris Warner and Patrick Olliffe (Barb Wire) face off in an epic battle of styles, with a frank discussion and comparison of their working process to bring a comic to life. If you want to make comics, this is the can't-miss panel of Rose City!
2:30 p.m.–3:20 p.m. Panel Room 3
Dark Horse Comics: Writers on the Craft and Creation of Comics
Whether it's a tale of a 1930s caper in a famous hotel or a 1960s housewife turned assassin, there's a lot to love about the dynamic reach of stories told in comics. Join industry veterans Jonathan Case (The New Deal), Larry Hama (Call of Duty: Black Ops III), Joëlle Jones (Lady Killer), and Paul Tobin (The Witcher, Colder, Plants vs. Zombies) as they discuss turning an idea into a full-fledged story—and how they continue to keep their writing fresh.
2:30 p.m.–3:20 p.m. Panel Room 8
High Crimes Spotlight
The Eisner-nominated digital series has just made its way to print. Come hear how writer Christopher Sebela and artist Ibrahim Moustafa brought this crime story to life.
4:30 p.m.–5:20 p.m. Panel Room 3
The King of Horror Media: Comics, Movies, or TV?
Which popular horror format reigns supreme: comic books, movies, or television? Join panelists Mike Huddleston (The Strain), Paul Tobin (Colder, Prometheus), Tyler Crook (Harrow County), and Chris Roberson (Aliens, Hellboy and the B.P.R.D.) for a discussion about their favorite horror stories and how horror has influenced their work and career.
12:30 p.m.–1:20 p.m. Panel Room 3
Dark Horse Manga
Free Hatsune Mix fan for panel attendees while supplies last!
Dark Horse's history with Japanese comics can be traced back to the company's earliest years, with a legacy that includes such legendary series as Oh My Goddess!, Lone Wolf and Cub, Berserk, and many more! Now Dark Horse continues to publish some of the industry's best-selling titles, like Neon Genesis Evangelion, Oreimo: Kuroneko, Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt, Satoshi Kon's Opus, Unofficial Hatsune Mix (as seen on David Letterman), and the works of the creative powerhouse CLAMP. Join Dark Horse editor Carl Horn and special guests for a look at the past, present, and future of manga at Dark Horse!
2:30 p.m.–3:20 p.m. Panel Room 3
Comics and Twitter: How to Hang Out without Being an Annoying Jerk
Social media is tricky. As a person working in comics, how do you get people to recognize you and share your amazing new comic without being an annoying jerk? Fans, what are the best ways to engage with your favorite folks? Let's start by talking about Twitter. Join some of Twitter's finest tweeters: Phil Hester (Green Arrow, Ant-Man), Erica Henderson (Squirrel Girl, Jughead), Christopher Sebela (High Crimes, Welcome Back), Daniel Warren Johnson (Ghost Fleet, Space-Mullet, Green Leader), and your host, Donny Cates (Buzzkill, Ghost Fleet, The Paybacks), as we try to crack the code to becoming super famous and having a ton of fun using Twitter! Oh, it's also Donny's birthday! So use #BirthdayPanel on Twitter to RSVP and make sure you get your party favors!
Dark Horse will also be offering this Strain print for sale exclusively at the con: