The police investigate a gruesome yet delicious crime scene in this preview of Sweetie Candy Vigilante #5.
Preview Archives
A Spider-Big-Bang sends Spider-People hurtling to the ends of the Spider-Verse in this Spider-Preview of Spider-Man #7.
All Scar wants to do is snack on a baby animal in this preview of Disney Villains: Scar #1. Is that so wrong?
As Eddie Brock worries about his son, Dylan Brock takes out his aggression on Norman Osborn in this preview of Venom #18.
With his hand and lightsaber destroyed in this preview of Star Wars #33, Luke Skywalker must battle a Killdroid with only The Force.
Pipp convinces her friends to conduct a black magic ritual with a video game for social media success in this preview of My Little Pony #11.
Wanda wants a fight with Scythia in this preview of Scarlet Witch #4... but it looks like she's about to get an exposition dump instead.
Once again, the God of Thunder has lost his mojo... er, mjolnir, and he's going to flip the **** out until he gets it back in this preview of Avengers: War Across Time #4.
The Thing and The Human Torch refuse to let Spider-Man save the universe until he proves his identity in this preview of Amazing Spider-Man #23.
Betty and Veronica take a bite out of crime in this preview of World Of Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #24.
Rasputin finds what she's looking for in this preview of Immoral X-Men #3... but she's been found out as well.
Archie must choose between Betty and Veronica in this preview of Archie and Friends All Action #1... with the fate of the world at stake?!
Spider-Gwen faces off with a clone that's coarse, rough, irritating, and gets everywheren in this preview of Spider-Gwen: Shadow Clones #2.
Superman must chase Ultraman throught the multiverse in this preview of Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent #2.
Qi’ra makes her move against Darth Vader and the Emporer in this preview of Star Wars: Hidden Empire #5.
No, it's not a sexy listicle! The Hulk has an identity crisis in the middle of a battle with Spider-Man in this preview of Joe Fixit #4.
Mystery incorporated investigates a town that's haunted by four cryptids in this preview of Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #121.
There are too many Cosmic Ghost Riders in the Marvel Universe, so one of them will have to go in this preview of Cosmic Ghost Rider #2.
After causing a meteor shower to destroy Norway, Tony Stark takes an underwater nap in this preview of I Am Iron Man #2.
A courtroom bombshell plays out in this preview of Icon vs Hardware #2, in stores from DC Comics on Tuesday.
With the fate of Krakoa on their shoulders, Rogue and Gambit have just one thing on their mind in this preview of Rogue and Gambit #2. Yes, it's making out.
Batman fails to prevent Amanda Simms from working through her Daddy Issues in this preview of Batman and The Joker: The Deadly Duo #6.
Wolverine murders a defenseless deer in this preview of Wolverine #32... so what will he do to the hunters next?
Ivy tries to enjoy a little hallucinagenics with the girls in this preview of Poison Ivy #11... but ends up accidentally mind-controlling everyone.
A murderous MODOK freaks out when Bucky Barnes takes his guns away in this preview of Captain America: Sentinel of Liberty #11.
After seven issues, the One-Minute War finally concludes in this preview of Flash #796, in stores Tuesday from DC Comics.
Marvel launches its new series with this preview of Planet of the Apes #1, and humanity will be rocked to its foundations, leaving nothing the same again!
Batman learns Red Mask is just a wannabe Joker in this preview of Batman #134. Literally!
What will The Joker do when people believe his fight with Manhunter is all kayfabe in this preview of Joker: The Man Who Stopped Laughing #7?
A dark cloud looms over the Black Forest in Fables #158, and we're all too eager to milk it for clicks in this preview!