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Costume Parade at C2E2 by Samantha LaFountain
The best day at school, next to pizza day, was on Halloween when every kid was dressed up to the nines as their favorite person or animal or character. And then were paraded around the black top and the school. Dressing up at comic conventions is kind of like that, just a tad bit more awesome. The costumes at C2E2 were no let down either, people really brought their A-game and spandex.
At times, this sort of dress-up, also known as cosplay, is usually the first target of ridicule but most don't understand the detail and time put into these costumes. In a sense they are homages to art and creativity that one can really be inspired by or respect. Sure cosplaying as Nick Fury is great but getting every detail down correctly in a costume takes time and work, not to mention to pick which era of Nick Fury you want to represent. And someone has to throw respect to the girls who can stand up for a whole day at C2E2 in heels!
When going to a convention like C2E2, finding people in costumes is almost like a celebrity watch. Children run to their favorite character and fans get pictures taken with them. Some cosplayers even goes as far as to stay in character giving the convention an almost theme-park effect that you remember from when you were a kid.
Cosplaying isn't just about paying respect to our great medium, its about fun and embracing what you love most…comics! It's like going to a football game and wearing your team's colors. You're just rooting us on!
I spoke with a few cosplayers when they were in between photo shoots with fans and managed to get some of their reasons for dressing up at shows. The girls from Boobs and Goombas, a Super Mario Burlesque were at the show in their costumes as Peach, Daisy and Goomba promoting with big smiles. Jonathan, Andy, and Julie were at C2E2 to promote the Bristol Renaissance Fair with corsets and jesters. Madison, who was dressed as Black Widow, said this was about her third or fourth time dressing up and she did it because some girls like dressing up as princesses while others want to be spies. For Eugene Bradford and Jonathan Atkins, the idea to dress as Luke Cage and Iron Fist began as a joke at a different convention and it just stuck.
Check out all the shots of awesome cosplayers I could get at the Con!
Boobs and Goombas is showcased at the Gorilla Tango Theater on 1919 N. Milwaukee Ave. Chicago, IL or visit Gorilla Tangos website for more information,
And to learn more about the Bristol Renaissance Faire visit
Samantha LaFountain lives and writes in Chicago. She can be contacted at and had the best time at C2E2!