Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: Comics, playboy, robert kirkman, walking dead
Thursday Trending Topics: The Naked And The Dead
Lots of conversation on today's top trending topic all over the internet, and many TWD fans in the BC forum are wondering where and when the comic pages in question might be appearing in the Walking Dead series and/or collections. If you can't wait until then, sounds like the Playboy issue in question hits stands tomorrow.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
The Origin Of The Walking Dead's Michonne To Appear In Playboy
Michonne is one of the most popular characters in The Walking Dead. The first appearances of this master swordsman go for a premium on eBay, and she's the character that most gets the message boards buzzing. Her upcoming arrival in the Walking Dead TV show is a massive talking point in and of itself. Her origin, when told, was expected to be a big seller, with tradewaiters expected to stop waiting and pick up the monthly issue in question.
Seriously, Marvel, Really? Avengers Vs X-Men #2 Teaser
More Avengers Vs X-Men #2 teasers from Marvel. I am now of the opinion that they are putting these together in such a fashion, just to see what I'll write.
The Very Best Bit Of Fantastic Four #604
I didn't want to spoil this yesterday. Not while people had a chance to experience it themselves…
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
The Avengers Japanese Trailer Has New Footage And A Very Good Look At The Aliens
you're going to want to go check out this new Japanese trailer for The Avengers.
Here's The New Dark Shadows Trailer (For Brendon To Dissect Like An Obsessive Weirdo)
After a long wait, and the trailer stills that we teased you with earlier today, we finally have a full trailer for Tim Burton's newest venture Dark Shadows. It's a little different from what you might have anticipated, since the trailer makes it look like more of a kooky comedy with a gothic twist than a gothic movie with comic undertones. There also seems be a big emphasis on the setting of the film, which takes place in the 1970s.
First Total Recall Footage Seems To Be Leaked Wondercon Promo
he first appearance of this Total Recall clip, as far as I can tell, came watermarked with Comicon at the head. I guess it was being set up for screening at Wondercon this weekend.