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SCOOP: Marvel's Digital Payment Letter To Freelancers
Bleeding Cool was the first site to run DC's letter to freelancers concerning digital payments in full. Now we're doing to the same with Marvel. The following letter was sent out to Marvel's exclusive freelancer talent on Monday, June 21st, as part of a new communication missive. Non-exclusive talent will receive the letter this coming Monday, as news about digital "incentive payments" will then be released by an official source.
First Joe Quesada addressed the troops saying;
Hi Gang,
Y'know, one of the coolest things about being a part of the Marvel family is recognizing just how extended the family is. Thanks to the leaps and bounds of technology, it's even easier for those of us here in New York to work with folks all over the country and overseas. We've got most of the continents covered and we're just waiting on Antarctica. Heck, some of you are in a different day than me. How's the future? Do you guys have Hover Boards yet?
And there's the point. There's a lot of stuff to know and an amazing amount of information that is useful to you. Here at the office, we have it all flow past us. We've got pretty ready access to getting the questions we all have answered. What's new with the company?What's changing, what's not? What resources are available to me? And, more close to
home, when can I expect my pay? What's Marvel offering to make my life easier? But forthose of you not in the office, you might feel left out of the loop and oceans away. So we want to fix that. This is the first of a new newsletter email we'll be sending out periodically to you… our life's blood, the folks that help make Marvel tick. In it, we'll do our best to provide answers to your questions. If we're really good at our job, maybe even before you ask 'em.Did you know we're in the process of building a SketchUp 3D library of everything from Cap's shield to Avengers Mansion? Are you hip to the fact that we've got a print program for our exclusive talent that allows you to easily order special edition prints for you to have at shows and appearances? There's all kinds of stuff to share. The plan is to make sure we let you know all about it. Oh, and if you have any suggestions, we're all ears.
So, if you've got a question? We want to answer it. If it's something that you feel your fellow freelancers would want to know too, drop us a line and we'll include it in the next newsletter. E-mail George Beliard at XXXXXXXXX and tell him I sent ya.
Now, I'm going to let David Bogart kick-off this edition talking about a biggie. Recently, we announced the Marvel App for the iPad to much fanfare. What does this mean to you? Well, I'm not going to spoil it – I'll let David fill you in. But I'll say this much… remember that bright future I was talking about up top? Yeah, i think this is definitely a part of it.
Now where's my Hover Board? See ya in the funny books!
And David Bogart (the man who made me the man I am today) followed with;
We were very excited by the positive feedback the Marvel Comics App received during the release of the Apple iPad. Many of the press reports and reviews mentioned how great the comics looked. Digital formats and distrdmtion are a great opportunity for Marvel to reach new fans and to present your amazing work on new platforms.
Please know that Marvel is working to include digital comics in the Marvel Comics Standard Talent
Incentive Plan.We plan to make incentive payments for downloadable digital comics by the beginning of August, after the San Diego Comic-Con. Digital downloads of comics – such as through the Sony PSP, and the Ipad/Iphone/Ipod Touch devices – are sold to consumers on a per issue basis, and we can more easily calculate the revenue tied to specific issues.
The incentive plan for digital comics available in subscription services – the Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited service on – is more complicated, since consumers are granted access to a great number of issues for one flat fee. Our goal is to finalize a plan by the end of this year to pay subscription-based digital comic incentives.
The email continued with links to CGI models of various Marvel buildings and props, and links to an online version of the Official Handbook To The Marvel Universe from 2004-2007 full of extra visual reference material for characters as well…