Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: bill murray, david letterman, film, ghostbusters, tv
Sunday Trending Topics: Total Protonic Reversal
Well… maybe partial protonic reversal, or at the very least, all hope for Ghostbusters as we know it not stopping instantaneously. As Brendon says: Murray certainly sounds bored and even tired, but you could read it that he's going to keep trying, reading the scripts, giving it a look-in, and if ever a screenplay passes muster, we'll be Go for 'busters. Perhaps its time for some really ambitious, and Murray-pleasing, slightly more cutting-edge scriptwriters to take a pass.
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
Working their way from Iron Man to The Avengers, Marvel Studios have brought the comic book-style crossover story to the big screen, with scoops full of style and no small amount of financial success. Now, as we've learned this week, Warner Bros. are looking to repeat the same trick.
I don't need to rehash the details, I'm sure, so here are just the basics: Bill Murray has the power of veto over any Ghostbusters 3 and, frankly, nobody wants one without him anyway. He's turned down the recent script, effectively killing it.
Now Is The Time To Buy All Five Original Planet Of The Apes Movies
I'm quite the fan of the Planet of the Apes series, for all of its faults. Each of the five original films has something strong going for it, and watching them all in sequence I found myself becoming pretty well invested. What's more, a nice, but trivial, side effect of knowing all of the films well was added enjoyment of the copious reference points in Rise of the Planet of the Apes.
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
Giant Sized X-Men #1. The cover that started such a trend, new characters bursting out from the past. Even if, in the case of the DC Zero Month, that past is only a month ago in some cases. Of course, many books have taken that inspiration over the years….
MTV Geek clipped the thoughts of number of Before Watchmen creators for their opinions on the Alan Moore controversy concerning DC's decision to publish a Watchmen prequel series of series.
Daniel Araya's Justice League | Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors
With all this talk of Jim Lee leaving Justice League, here's some concept art from Daniel Araya on deviantArt
Could you imagine a Justice League comic that looked like this?