Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates | Tagged: adam hughes, Comics, convention sketches
Tuesday Trending Topics: The Culture Of The Con Commission
A pair of stories about the changing culture of convention sketches & commissions topped the BC Trending charts today, with the story about Adam Hughes' decision to change the way he handles convention commissions the subject of great debate both here and elsewhere. Here's what else is going on today:
Most-Read Comic Stories Today:
Adam Hughes Ceases Convention Commissions
It's a not uncommon scenario. An artist, especially a popular one, creates a list of people asking for commissions and creates work, at a convention table, for everyone to watch. Then takes it away to work on independently for the next show. And then sees that person suddenly sell it for multiple times the price they paid on eBay.
The Frank Miller Fakes Of eBay
On the left, the item sold on eBay for $765 after fifteen bids, listed as a Frank Miller Elektra sketch. And on the right, the actual Frank Miller sketch.
Swipe File: Green Lantern Covers Vs Green Lantern Posters
The movie poster pose….
Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today:
First Poster For Alexandre Aja's Cobra: The Space Pirate
Alexandre Aja is going to have over $100 million to play with for his big-screen adaptation of Cobra: The Space Pirate. The film will be based upon Buichi Terasawa's manga series, which most folk in my circle seem to know from it's TV toon incarnation. Aja's longtime collaborator Gregory Levasseur has co-written the script and, to date, they've put in two years of work.
Hong Kong Actor Died 5 Times On 5 Different TV Shows In 24 Hours
Hong Kong actor Law Lok Sam is the new Michelle Rodriguez. Five of his characters got killed off on five different TV shows, and the "death episodes" were all then screened within 24 hours. There were only be four distinct ways in which he died, and only three of the deaths were on screen, but I still smell the makings of a cult hero.
Anna Faris And Sacha Baron Cohen Set For A Love Story Written By Sadam Hussein
According to the CIA, the romance novel Zabibah and the King was written by ghostwriters on behalf of Sadam Hussein. That such a book even exists seems rather unlikely, but seeing as it does, I'm really not at all surprised that Sacha Baron Cohen is turning it into a film.
Trending Topics on #comicmarket Tuesday
#comicmarket is an ongoing but mostly tuesday twitter hashtag for comic retailers, pros, and interested fans. There frankly wasn't a lot of talk about tomorrow's books this week, with the consensus being that after last week's monster ship list, and the impending #freecomicbookday, it felt like a small week for new releases. That said, Action Comics #900 continues to be one of the most talked-about releases out there on the retail level. I starred some tweets from the day as I was following along, so here are some hilights:
AshcanPress Matthew RosenbergList of Comic Conventions on Twitter. Let me know who I'm missing. #ComicMarket #MakeComics #FreeComicBookDayLarrysComics @mattfraction wrote the finest run of Iron Fist ever. You fall in love with the character in the first 6 pages. #comicmarketJimmySJay JimmySJay@LarrysComics seems like #fearitself could use a shot in the arm. next week's #comicmarket will certainly tellLarrysComics create " legendary" promo items that could be checklists: Avengers ID cards. Cut out Christmas ornament, Masks #comicmarketTimAtMoreFun Tim Stoltzfus@LarrysComics Absolutely, lots of room for innovation of #comicmarket postcards, but that doesn't mean the postcard is useless, imo.brubaker brubakerCriminal: The Last of the Innocent #1 – tell your retailer this week, final orders due. Preview- #comicmarketgrifterR1 Nick Romeo3 great books from @red5comics tomorrow. Atomic Robo, Abyss:Family Values & Moon Girl. What your customers should be reading. #comicmarketAshcanPress Matthew RosenbergI am really hoping to fall in love with a book I know nothing about on #FreeComicBookDay. #ComicMarket what are my odds?LarrysComics LarrysComics.netImpressive was EVERY New England Retailer at #BostonCon was interested in working together. They adore the concept of NECRA #comicmarketTimAtMoreFun Tim StoltzfusDear #comicmarket if you haven't read Aaron & Ahmed by Vertigo, do so. Now. Especially in light of recent events, it is a compelling read.TimAtMoreFun Tim Stoltzfus@markseifert01 I liked Wolverine:TBTI, but I'm also a sucker for Ryp's art :) #comicmarketlarrymarder Larry MarderI suspect this an emerging story that will make major ripples in many directions #comicmarketrobertliefeld robertliefeldComic conventions have created a necessary revenue stream for the entire industry. Retailers, talent alike eCONomics #comicmarketlarrymarder Larry Marder#Anaheimcomiccon Seemed like 3 separate shows to me. 1. Celebrity autograph seekers. 2. Artist alley. 3.. PopCulture car show. #comicmarketJimmySJay JimmySJay@robertliefeld formula works, but when i also see conventions doing LESSER versions too.Lots of Wizard World copycats out there #comicmarketJimmySJay JimmySJay@comicbooksboard agree VENOM as being a book to 90s comic fans, @Remender is living in 90s- X-Force, venom, his run on Punisher #comicmarketwarren_hayes Warren HayesHmm Action #900 second print with all new cover. Maybe big two are following #comicmarketLazyHorde Lazy Horde Prod.@BostonComicCon Loved having no celebs at the con. The books got to be the heroes. As an indy publisher, that's a huge win. #comicmarketwarren_hayes Warren Hayes@imagecomics I have to say it again, $10 trades was masterful marketing initiative. Speaks volumes about the creators & the pub #comicmarketpatrickecook Patrick CookAmazing Spider-Man is currently, without a doubt, the best the series has been in DECADES! @larryscomics @DanSlott #comicmarketDanSlott Dan SlottThe law states I now owe you pie. RT @LarrysComics Amazing Spider-Man continues to grow each week as Dan Slott's legend builds. #comicmarketcomicbooksboard ComicBooksBoardBooks that drew people to my table @bostoncomiccon were Planet of The Apes, Action 900, Deadpool 1, and Platinum Superman 75 #comicmarketgraphicpolicy Graphic PolicyLatest comic book fans on Facebook breakdown is out (now with more graphs!) #comicmarketdmcomics Double MidnightFF #2 sold really well, people are digging this series and Hickman has been dropping some sweet cliffhangers #comicmarketdmcomics Double MidnightW/so many books last week having a tough time picking the clear winner Action sold well, not a big draw from the public #comicmarketLarrysComics speaking of Haunt. Greg Capullo is leaving for Batman. He gave away a Batman print at #BostonCon watch for that $$ #comicmarketLarrysComics LarrysComics.netThere was NO signature hot book at #BostonCon . I had a few Action 900 on my wall at cover that went unsold the whole weekend. #comicmarketLarrysComics LarrysComics.netThe feeling of optimism in the shop when so many good comics ship was amazing. The #comicmarket has allot of excitement in it right nowLarrysComics LarrysComics.netI have sold a couple dozen Savage Dragon Wondercon Variant #145 @ $99 -$150 in the last 24 hours #comicmarket