Posted in: Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: jonathan ross, wossy
Wednesday Runaround – ****ing Deadpool Everywhere
WTFWatch: Deadpool, like Wolverine, apparently needs to be on more comics. Such as the following variant cover for Secret Warriors #13.
There's a point. Are serious swear words, even abbreviated ones, now allowed on the cover of Marvel's comics? Well, I suppose, DC did publish The Kents.
RossWatch: The preview of Jonathan Ross' comic book Turf from yesterday's Bleeding Cool has started to get picked up by the UK press. You know, it's a shame that Diamond's official figures don't count orders from Diamond UK…
GoingThroughTheChangeWatch: DC Comics seems to be going through a spate of major creator changes between solicitation and publication. Funnybook Babylon has a list;
Catwoman #83 – Fabian Nicieza & Julian Lopez replaced with Tony Bedard, Fabrizio Fiorentino, Ibraim Roberson and Marcos Marz
Batman: Streets of Gotham #8 – writer Paul Dini replaced with Mike Benson
Gotham City Sirens #8 – writer Paul Dini replaced with plot by Guillem March and script by Marc Andreyko
Blackest Night: JSA #2 – Tony Bedard added as co-writer with solicited James Robinson; Marcos Marz added as co-penciller with solicited Eddy Barrows
The Question #37 – Denny O'Neil added as co-writer with solicited Greg Rucka (announced)
R.E.B.E.L.S. #12 – artist Claude St. Aubin replaced with Geraldo Borges
Warlord #10 – artist Mike Grell only does two pages; bulk done by unsolicited Chad Hardin
Justice League: Cry for Justice #6 – artist Mauro Cascioli replaced with Scott Clark
The Web #5 – artist Roger Robinson replaced with Talent Caldwell (announced)
The Brave and the Bold #31 -artist Jesus Saiz replaced by Chad Hardin and Justiniano
Blackest Night: Wonder Woman #2 – Eduardo Pansica added as co-penciller alongside solicited Nicola Scott
The Atom and Hawkman #46 – Fernando Pasarin added as co-artist alongside solicited Ryan Sook
Titans #21 – Chris Batista added as co-artist alongside solicited Angel Unzueta
Superman: World of New Krypton #11 – Ron Randall added as co-artist alongside solicited Pete Woods
The Outsiders #26 – Don Kramer added as co-artist alongside solicited Philip Tan
A long list does seem to indicate some kind of problem somewhere. And while Marvel has a similar amount of changes, they are generally more minor ones – as opposed to changes that can affect sales on a significant fashion. And also no writer changes – and since the writer is where a comic is meant to start, its the writer changes that signify a bigger change going on.
ChinaWatch: The 2010 Taipei International Book Fair opened yesterday, featuring France as the guest of honor. Which means a lot of comics on display…
BoomWatch: And BOOM! Studios announce a new imprint called BOOM! Town. It will, apparently, be a home for "high quality, lit-oriented comix". Go on guys, headhunt Chris Ware…
RingWatch: That's right, DC are doing more promotional rings… Flash and Green Lantern rings for retailers who order sufficient quanties of Flash #1 and Green Lantern #53 as part of the whole Brightest Day shennanigans.
BrevoortWatch: Let's have a quick runaround Marvel with Tom Brevoort…