Posted in: Comics, Recent Updates, Run Around | Tagged: before watchmen, Comics, dc, doonesbury, san diego comic con, sdcc
Wednesday Runaround – The Logic Bomb Of DC Entertainment
TreatmentWatch: Chris Weston talks the future of comics.
"I predict you'll see a wave of top flight talents risk financial ruin by producing their own books, and distributing them digitally. Some will fail, some will succeed. In the meantime, you'll see the Big Companies replace these creators with more and more talent from The Third World.
"It's no secret that super-hero comic sales are on the decline, and the Big Companies will be forced to think of ever more desperate gimmicks and events to keep the readers hooked. What they should be doing is offering the creators better deals and more creative freedom. Before Watchmen may get green-lit, but would the original series get commissioned in the current climate…? A 32-page book, no-ads; a stand-alone story with all new characters… and creator-owned? Would a company like DC go for that nowadays? Nah.
"But they should."
ExtraCurricularWatch: The Beat lists the massive carnivals and events going on around San Diego Comic Con this year… do you even need a ticket?
StripWatch: The eternal Doonesbury cartoon page/editorial page debate continues…
FilipinoWatch: The Phillippines and their influence on and in comics – both creators and creative.
This is Computo the Comic Link Conqueror speaking. I come for your women. But for now I merely collate comic-related bits and pieces online. One day I will rule. Until that day, read on.
They say I am a work in progress. The fools.
Charles Carreon Drops Bogus Lawsuit Against The Oatmeal Creator | Electronic Frontier Foundation
San Francisco – Attorney Charles Carreon dropped his bizarre lawsuit against The Oatmeal creator Matthew Inman today, ending his strange legal campaign against Inman's humorous and creative public criticism of a frivolous cease and desist letter that Carreon wrote on behalf of his client Funny Junk.
CBLDF » A History of Censorship: Richard Felton Outcalt and The Yellow Kid
The disappearance of The Yellow Kid did not alleviate societal concerns about this new medium. In 1908, The New York State Assembly of Mothers Clubs, at its final session in Saratoga, placed itself on record as condemning "Yellow" newspapers and the Sunday comic sections of newspapers. Shortly thereafter, on October 31, 1908, the Boston Globe announced that it would no longer produce its comic supplement. The editorial page announced:
Watching Watchmen: A Classic Comic's Classless Return – The Daily Beast
Welcome to the logic bomb that is DC Entertainment, a cell in a vast body which in its booming voice declaims that if you swindle someone, it's OK as long as you pay them their royalties, and that anyone who is making money off of something should be happy just to be making money from it, and to make more money from it if possible.
Watchmen Artist Dave Gibbons Making A New Adventure Game | Side Mission | GameTrailers
Fans of adventure games and the classic graphic novel Watchmen have a reason to celebrate. Acclaimed graphic artist and writer Dave Gibbons will be working with Revolution Software on a new adventure game.
Elusive artist Steve Ditko never got full credit for co-creating Spider-Man –
When The Post knocked on his door, Ditko — who turns out to be a owlish man with wisps of white hair and ink-stained hands, wearing large black glasses and an unbuttoned white shirt with a white tee beneath — pleasantly but firmly declines to answer any questions. Though he did say he reads The Post. "I don't have anything to say," he says, standing in the doorway to his studio.