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Who Dies With The Most Stuff Wins – 100,000 Comics Up For Auction
The private estate of comics collector and comic store owner, Paul Scalia, who died earlier this year, is up for auction this weekend.
As well as his comic shop Twice Read Books And Comics in Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, he owned almost a hundred thousand comic books, which are now all up for sale to the highest bidder.
Retiring from the store a couple of years ago, he had his colection in storage and planned on rereading and cataloguing them all. Sadly that was not meant to be.
Bill Earley, his partner in the store, is fulfilling a pledge he made to Paul for the comics to be sold to collectors. And the bids have come in from across the country, with many people turning up today, the collection being offered for individual sales rather than a job lot at Gateway Gallery Auctions at 643 Kriner Road, Chambersburg. The bidding on the comics will begin at around 11.15 local time.