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Rob Liefeld On Re-Inking Todd McFarlane's Inks On New Mutants Covers

Rob Liefeld on re-inking Todd McFarlane's inks on New Mutants covers... the changes he made and why he made them.

Article Summary

  • Rob Liefeld discusses revisiting 1990s New Mutants covers, re-inking Todd McFarlane's original inks.
  • He used Tippex to alter Wolverine and Cable's faces to better reflect his original pencil work.
  • Liefeld frequently modified McFarlane's inks, enhancing designs with layers and retouches.
  • Liefeld notes he didn't alter Scott Williams' covers, suggesting they matched his pencils.

Rob Liefeld has decided to revisit and relitigate the early nineties, with the covers for New Mutants which he pencilled and then his fellow Image Comics founder Todd McFarlane inked. And which Rob Liefeld then covered up with Tippex and re-inked on the desks at Marvel Comics. He posted on social media of this cover… from New Mutants #93 from 1990, recently recoloured.

Rob Liefeld
New Mutants #93

Rob Liefeld says "I pencilled this and inked both Wolverine's face and Cable's face. I was in the office at Marvel when it [the inked board, posted to Marvel from Todd McFarlane – Rich] arrived. I used whiteout to cover much of both faces because they were not reflective of my lines. Final product was always fun to look at. Nice new colors by Moreno…. I pulled the page out of the box, looked it over, as did my editor and I headed to the nearest desk, no questions asked. It was my work so they are going to let me enhance it if I choose." Here's that original art…

Rob Liefeld
New Mutants #93 original artwork

… and yes, you can see the Tippex.

Rob Liefeld
New Mutants #93 original artwork

It seems he did this a lot when it came to Todd McFarlane, saying, "On most covers, yes. I had them mailed to me or I was at Marvel, and I was really picky about them… Like this here—the entire area I highlighted around is on a separate layer and pasted over. It's visible on the original. I inked that entire piece. And then I touched up the Blob face."

Rob Liefeld
New Mutants #88

And indeed, you can see that happening on the original artwork of New Mutants #88, also from 1990.

Rob Liefeld On Re-Inking Todd McFarlane Inks On New Mutants
New Mutants #88 original artwork

Rob Liefeld did also note that "I did not touch the faces on the Scott Williams covers. Those looked like I pencilled em." Shots fired? Or history corrected?

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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from The Union Club on Greek Street, shops at Gosh, Piranha and FP. Father of two daughters. Political cartoonist.
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