Marvel Comics' Ultimate Universe's solicits and solicitations for June 2025 include Incursion and Opposition
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9 Rumours for Marvel Comics in 2018 – Bring Your Own Pinching Salt
Here's a bunch of Marvel Comics gossip hanging around in a no-go neighbourhood looking shifty. Let's give them all the old up-and-down… they come from sources that have been fairly reliable in the past — but not 100%. Pinch that salt before you enter here:
- Following Avengers: No Surrender, we may get another crack at Avengers/X-Men – also weekly. And at least two Avengers titles.
- There are more cancellations coming, both Falcon and Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows have been tagged for the chop.
- However Iron Fist has at least one more arc confirmed to follow the Damnation tie-in issues.
- Expect a new Defenders comic later in the year, even though the current one has been cancelled.
- Black Bolt has a strong commitment by editorial who love this book – and publishing who are glad they have an Inhuman-focus book that sells at least 10,000. They may extend its run for another six issues, even though the sales may say otherwise. But there are no new ongoing Inhuman comics on the schedule for 2018.
- Look for a similar focus to be given to Cable as is being received by Venom right now, in the ongoing series and whatever happens after Infinity Countdown.
- One thing on the schedules may be an Anti-Venom.Flash Thompson/Toxin comic, could be an annual/one-shot or a mini.
- As for other names on the Hunt For Wolverine specials in May, I am told Charles Soule, Matt Rosenberg, Ed Brisson, Kelly Thompson as writers, with Mike Deodato, Ryan Stegman and Carlos Pacheco as artists. Mix and match….
- Weapon X has no cancellation plans but in May we are to expect a major character shake-up.
Those are the rumours. Let's see what the reality says…. break out the traffic lights.

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