Posted in: Comics | Tagged: boom studios, entertainment, Lumberjanes
Sammie Reads: Lumberjanes #14 Goes Full 'Frozen'
By Sammie Rice
Welcome back, readers! Let's dive right into the best comic book that came out this week! I know you are eagerly waiting at the edge of your seat so I won't let you wait any longer!
Lumberjanes never disappoints, it's always just a matter of what wacky adventure these girls are up to next. Truthfully, living in Florida means that the humid fingers of summer weather are always lingering in the air. It was a relief to plop down with my issue of Lumberjanes #14 and immerse myself in a story that reminds me of all the best parts of summer; camping, hiking, swimming, friends and most importantly, summer camp!
In this issue the girls find themselves a little unprepared for a certain summer camp activity, snow. Wait, snow in summer? That's right! A mysterious and extremely sudden blizzard blankets itself over the campgrounds and the woods beyond leaving our campers shivering and very confused.
Our fearless leader Jen gets separated from the girls when some scary moose-like things approach them. Normally our terrific team would immediately go searching for their missing member but navigating through the snowy tundra isn't something they were ever trained to do! If we have learned anything about the Lumberjanes is that they stick together. No one gets left behind!
This issue brings in a plethora of previously mentioned characters alongside the presence of a new one whose intentions aren't perfectly clear yet.
There is a Frozen reference in it, which is probably all you need to know about this issue. One of my favorite consistent things about this comic is the feeling that you are part of the team. Anyone can read Lumberjanes and put themselves right in the story with Ripley and Mal and the gang.
There's so much to love about this world that the creators have given us and the community that surrounds this genuinely delightful comic book. Fans of the series are affectionately called "Lumberjumbies" and I'm very proud to call myself one. It's not likely you'll find another comic that's able to make you smile from ear-to-ear like a little kid while bringing out the outdoor scout in all of us. I can't wait to see what the girls have planned for next month!
Sammie Reads is a Florida comic book enthusiast and a great supporter of internet friendships. She enjoys her tortoise, Chomper, her fiancé, Zack, and delicious nachos. You can find her raving about her favorite things on Twitter and Youtube @SammieReads