Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, HRL
Spider-Gwen Lives! (UPDATE)
UPDATE: Marvel didn't choose to comment on the story below earlier today, but Midtown Comics did. A representative of the New York comic store that manages Marvel's subscriptions got in touch to say:
Regarding the story about a Marvel Subscriptions customer being informed that Spider-Gwen is being cancelled…that information is/was incorrect. If one of our customer service representatives did indeed say that, they mixed it up with Gwenpool. Marvel never said anything about Spider-Gwen being cancelled.
Then our reader's subscription to Spider-Gwen (which he did call back to check was being cancelled) looks like it may be reinstated after all!
The original story, as published, runs below:
The very publication of the Spider-Gwen, spinning out of the Spider-Verse anthology series Edge 0f Spider-Verse, was mired in politics. Someone at Sony was prepping the possibility of an Untitled Female-Led Spider-Man film. And the question was asked, could Gwen Stacy be a Spider-Woman or a Spider-Girl. With writer/producer Lisa Joy writing to Sony exec Rachel O'Conner, back saying:
Also, congrats on a fantastic opening weekend! Jonah and I snuck out for a date night to see the movie and had a blast. RIP Gwen Stacy — gone but never forgotten. Can we bring her back as Spiderwoman? Or can I just be best friends with Emma Stone?
And then Edge of Spider-Man #2 featured such a character, created by Jason Latour and Robbi Rodriguez.
Isaac Perlmutter, clean to take the initiative, and making sure that if anyone was going to do this, Marvel was going to do this, greenlit a Spider-Gwen series at record speed. And the character was popular, also led to a Gwenpool series.
But that was then. There were issues with the name, the comic was called Spider-Gwen, but the character's superhero name in her universe was Spider-Woman — not a good idea to give away your secret identity in your superhero name. And the Marvel Universe already had one or two Spider-Women as it was.
It had been noted that in the upcoming cartoon, the character has been renamed Ghost Spider. And that Marvel has been registering trademarks in the name for merchandise.
Today we get the message from a regular reader:
I just spoke with Marvel subscriptions today and learned that Spider-Gwen is being cancelled in the near future. No date was given, only that it should be in the next 3-4 issues or so. Love the site. Keep up the great work!
Appreciated sentiment aside, this wouldn't be the first time we've had a tip-off from subscription departments, though not since New York's Midtown Comics took over the role for Marvel. But such departments sometimes seem to know when books are being cancelled or launched before anyone else.
But could it be a relaunch of Spider-Gwen as Spider-Ghost? Something the subscription department may not be aware of? Or is this a part of the recent run of Marvel cancellations