Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Amy Chu, Comics, dynamite, entertainment, red sonja
Writer's Commentary – Amy Chu Talks Red Sonja #2
Dynamite has sent us a writer's commentary by Amy Chu as she talks Red Sonja #2, on sale now. Cover by Mike McKone, interiors by Carlos Gomez.
Wow, thanks everyone for the great reviews on this issue! A lapsed reader even tweeted out that it's brought them back to comics. Stuff like this makes it totally worthwhile, because you know making comics is HARD. And personally, I think the #2 issue is the hardest to write. I know a lot of people buy the #1 and then wait for the trade, but unfortunately, a lot of business decisions have to be made based on the single issue sales so how the #2 does is super important I know I need to impress, as it carries the weight of the rest of the series.
So here we go…
We start off here with a little recap in the form of a dream… It's been a month since #1, so it's always good to try to remind everyone of where we left off, especially if you're a newbie.
I've gotten into the habit lately of reading a new series starting at issue #2 or #3 just to test how reader friendly it is, and then going back to #1. It's a very interesting exercise — try it, especially if you're an aspiring writer!
And a reminder we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto… I'm always surprised to run into people who have absolutely no idea who Red Sonja is.
I'm a reluctant user of the first person narrative. It always evokes the Blade Runner problem with Deckard. But in this case, I think we really need to get inside Red Sonja's head
Here I wanted to establish Sonja's strength and expertise in arms without killing anyone. Sorry, duck. (I know what my mom is thinking… oooh, roast duck…) Disclaimer: no birds were actually harmed in the making of this comic. And technically these probably should be geese, but I'm sure somebody will probably let us know this in the comments section…
My favorite page — I think this says everything you need to know about this Sonja right here. It was tempting to add a bunch of captions, but why, when Carlos nails everything in one image.
Where are my Brooklyn peeps at? Manhattan gets way too much time in comics, and really no one can afford it anymore, especially a rookie cop like Max. I asked Carlos for a little equal opportunity eye candy on this page – I hope you are all pleased with the results! (P.S. Keep your eye on those samurai swords on panel 2. We might be needing them later in Issue #3…)
Time to establish Sonja's priorities. Sonja's got more on her mind than dealing with some catcallers…
Now we get to the fun part.
… and it's love at first sight, or first sip…
I actually wrote two versions of this scene — we went back and forth a bit on this. The first idea was actual wrestling match, but in the end arm wrestling worked much better — we could keep it in the same room without interrupting the flow.
Okay, this might be my favorite scene….
Sonja's starting to feel at home in this new world. But she doesn't know the magic of social media yet.
Kulan Gath does, though. It's never too late in one's immortal life to pick up a few new tricks…
This is my "been there, done that" scene – if you've ever had to pick up a buddy from a bar at closing time.
I actually researched this and Andre the Giant holds the record for drinking 119 beers in one sitting. So I used this as a reference with New York City beer prices to come up with the bar tab $837. There's a little glitch here if you're paying attention. Beer prices in NY actually range from $5-8 (yes, I know…) I suppose it's possible to find a beer for $3, I just never have. So let's just give everyone the benefit of the doubt, that Sonja covered a couple of rounds for her new friends, or that it was one long happy hour and she really almost drank herself under the table…
Anyway I really enjoyed scripting this scene.
Here comes trouble! Remember these folks from Issue #1?
Spike really steps up here. Resist, girl!
Go, Luis! Maybe you thought he was a loud mouthed bro in p. 7, but here's his moment of redemption.
Protip: how do you humanize a superhuman character? Give her a massive hangover.
My second favorite page – finally, the She-Devil on a motorcycle! And no she doesn't wear a helmet. Don't be like Sonja, kids….
Okay, this page makes me laugh… Sonja doesn't get why Max is all freaked out…. we could get into metaphors about European and American feelings about nudity but that's a whole other discussion. Let's just say Sonja is very comfortable in their own skin and she gives zero f*cks what other people think…
Let's focus on more important stuff – Sonja's first real encounter with modern technology. If you think about it, technology is just another form of magic to her, so why should she be surprised?
Now we're going to learn a lot more about our friend Max…
… and yes, you guessed it…
….Max can do magic! This may be helpful for us later on… just saying…
And a partnership is formed. Max makes a helpful suggestion to Sonja. I thought about titling this issue Sonja Finally Takes a Bath. (Hope you like this callback to Gail Simone's run…)
And just when you thought it was safe…
Are you onboard for Issue #3 now? I hope so! There's going to be more Sonja on that motorcyle… (what did you think she would use to get around, the subway? A Prius?) If you follow me or the artist Carlos Gomez on Instagram @carlosgomezartist @amy_chu you might see some teasers of this…
Well, hope this little stream of consciousness commentary was interesting! Thanks for reading and supporting your local comics stores!