Posted in: For Honor, Games, Ubisoft, Video Games | Tagged: for honor, ubisoft
For Honor's Year 5 Season 3 Tempest Will Launch On September 9th
Ubisoft just revealed a ton of details for Year 5 Season 3 of For Honor, which will be launching on PC and consoles on September 9th. As you might suspect from the name of the season, Temptest, it will bring in some harsh weather conditions you'll need to battle through including cyclonic winds and torrential downpours. You'll also be experiencing a special throwback event later this season and the awaited return of the Covenant Games. We have a trailer for you showing off more of the game as well as more info that will give you details of what's happening throughout September.
Beginning September 9th until September 30th, there will be a limited time launch event, Storm Tides. During this event, players will be able to play through a Free Event Pass and gain access to a multitude of rewards such as a new Battle Outfit, an Effect as well as an Ornament. During the event, there will also be new weapons available for players to loot.
For $9.99, players can purchase a Battle Pass with premium content including new Battle Outfits, Ornament, Execution, Podium and Effects. Additionally, for this season, all heroes will be receiving a unique execution available for 7,000 Steel. Following last season's Testing Grounds, improvements to Orochi, Raider, and Option Selects and other fight elements will be added to the live game based off players' feedback. From September 16-30, For Honor will also have another phase of Testing Grounds. The focus will be a second pass on the Shinobi from the previous phase as well as new Dominion Game Mode improvements. Changes for Dominion will include capture speed, hard point, tracking, and other UI improvements.
Later in the season, players can also experience Wrath of the Jormungandr, a throwback event bringing back original rewards and weapons. In TU2, the Covenant Games also return. This time around, players will be able to play the Heralds of Chimera game mode, where they can prove their worth to Daubeny. The rewards include a Battle Outfit and an Ornament.