Posted in: Movies | Tagged: kate beckinsale, Tampa Bay Comic Con
Kate Beckinsale Stalker Arrested At Tampa Bay Comic Con
45-year-old Terry Lee Repp was arrested at Tampa Bay Comic Con this weekend, ahead of a panel featuring Kate Beckinsale. The Tampa Bay Times reported the news after the panel was delayed several hours so that Beckinsale could file a police report. Repp has stalked Beckinsale across the country, touching her back and talking about stabbing her in Salt Lake City in 2016, and being detained by police in Houston later that year for stalking the actress.
Repp is currently being held on $5,000 bond as authorities attempt to upgrade his charge to aggravated stalking, a felony, from a misdemeanor, according to The NY Daily News. Beckinsale's panel, Q&A with Kate Beckinsale, was eventually held at 6PM Saturday, allowing fans to hear stories about her experience in the Underworld franchise.