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Are There Post Credit Scenes in Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse?
I've just got back from seeing Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse at the UK Gala Premiere in Leicester Square, going on general release tomorrow.
No spoilers, I promise. I've just got back from seeing Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse at the UK Gala Premiere in Cineworld, Leicester Square, going on general release tomorrow. I saw it in a packed house on the IMAX and, before going into the movie, as I often do, I asked on social media what people would want to know before going in to see it themselves. The biggest question I got was whether or not there was a post-credit scene and was it worth staying after 136 minutes of the movie to catch it?
Simply put, no. After the end of the film, that is it. There are some very pretty credits, and they certainly don't last too long but no. You're done. You may want to get ahead out of the car park, get to the toilets before the queue, or be home before the babysitter turns into a pumpkin.
Movies, especially action movies and comic book movies like Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse, have been increasing in length to bladder-bursting extremes, and the habit of placing post-credit scenes at the end of such films not only stretches that further, but the merest possibility that there might be one has led to audiences camping out in cinemas, with staff unable to clear up as usual. I talked to one usher a few months ago who told me that the post-credit scene is their biggest nightmare and has led to audiences waiting, just in case there is a post-credit scene in the most unlikely of movies.
What even would a post-credit scene for The Personal Life Of David Copperfield even look like? James Steerforth and Aunt Betsey Trotwood sitting around eating shwarma? And though many post-credit scenes are ephemeral, some like Eternals set up movies to come, and Thor: The Dark World contains the emotional apogee to the film. While for Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End, it is the essential end scene of an entire trilogy that some people who have seen all three films never saw… because after all that water, they really, really needed the bathroom.
Spider-Man: Across The Spider-Verse is nothing like that. Stay if you want, not if you don't, but if you choose the latter, I can promise there will be nothing essential missing from your life. Now go see it; it's ace.