Choose your games wisely, and as always: have fun!
February 20th
Age of Empires: Definitive Edition (PC)
Apex Construct [VR] (PS4)
Armored Warfare (PS4)
Deadbolt (PS4, Vita)
Defender's Quest: Valley of the Forgotten DX Edition (PS4, XB1)
Metal Gear Survive (PS, PS4, XB1)
Old Man's Journey (Switch)
Premium Pool Arena (PS4)
Puzzle Puppers (Switch)
Run Dorothy Run [VR] (PS4)
Symmetry (PC, PS4, XB1)
The Station (PC, PS4, XB1)
Ace of Seafood Archives
Choose your games wisely, and as always, have fun!
November 7th
ATV Drift & Tricks (PS4)
Assault Android Cactus (XB1)
Discovery (PS4)
Farming Simulator (Switch)
Guardians of the Galaxy: The Telltale Series – Episode 5 (PC, PS4, XB1)
HITMAN – Game of the Year Edition (PC, PS4, XB1)
Hand of Fate 2 (PC, PS4, XB1)
Heroes of the Monkey Tavern (Switch)
Horizon Zero Dawn –[...]