At the hospital, she encounters biologist Alec Holland (Andy Bean) who believes the bizarre illness might be connected to his scientific work in the swamp for powerful businessman Avery Sunderland (Will Patton).
Swamp Thing (Photo: Fred Norris / 2020 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc — © 2020 Warner Bros Entertainment Inc All Rights Reserved)
Abby has a history[...]
Alec Archives
All Rights Reserved)
Here's a look at the preview for this week's chapter of Swamp Thing, "He Speaks"- followed by a fresh look at what still lies ahead for the remainder of the season:
Swamp Thing season 1, episode 3 "He Speaks": STRANGE HAPPENINGS – When her friend and co-worker Harlan (guest star Leonardo Nam) is stricken[...]
By David Dissanayake
Here we are for the second (somewhat delayed) installment of Unsung Masterpieces (You can check out our first installment, "Enigma, with Duncan Fegredo, Peter Milligan, and Art Young", here).
Warren Ellis once said that "American comics are hugely eager to put the future behind them." He's right. The nature of the comic shop is[...]