These figures are from Biomega, a Japanese science fiction manga that was written and illustrated by Tsutomu Nihei. The story follows special agents who are hired by the company TOA Heavy Industries locate and acquire people who have the ability to resist and transmute a special virus know as the N5S infection[...]
Biomega Archives
He's also an avid videogame player, and his manga, like Biomega shows an understanding of games. Blame! is largely plotless, and entirely about atmosphere, themes, ideas and huge, explosive action set-pieces."
I'm sold Blame! hits Netflix on May 20. can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Blame! | Official Trailer [HD] | Netflix (
Nihei had previously created posthuman cyberpunk sagas like Blame! and Biomega, which were set in far-flung post-Singularity futures where humans had been genetically and cybernetically altered to the point of barely fitting the definition of "human" anymore His art style was dark, deliberately scratchy and messy to create an atmosphere of messy, sticky griminess with[...]