Copra Archives

Michel Fiffe To End Copra With A #50 Finale In June
Copra is the small-press-turned Image Comics series by Michel Fiffe (that he still published as small press anyway) First published in 2012, at the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festiva, it began publication from Image Comics in 2019 A love letter to Suicide Squad and other eighties DC Comics titles, through a very small press and[...]
The Bleed Episode 8: Reading COPRA With Matt Kindt And Tucker Stone
The group meets every Wednesday on Google Hangout to discuss news, the latest comics, creator interviews and the pick of the week. This week we're discussing the indie comic sensation, COPRA by Michel Fiffe. [youtube][/youtube] Our guests this week are Tucker Stone, Marketing Director of Nobrow and Flying Eye Books, and Matt Kindt, award-winning cartoonist of Mind MGMT and writer of[...]
Image Watch: The Big Joe Casey Sex Interview Part 2
I do the same thing with comicbooks, too. Comics-wise, I'm always digging Michel Fiffe's COPRA Ed Piskor's Hip Hop Family Tree was really great, and I just snagged the second volume at SDCC Part of a fairly large Comic-Con haul that I haven't been able to dive into just yet I just got some of Benjamin[...]
A Comic Show – Batman's Eternal and Deadpool's Married
Milligan know what I want; something as marginal as me! All New Ultimates is an indy fix, Fiffe from the creator owner Copra rocked it My expectations were low, but having said that, I enjoyed Nightcrawler #1 by Chris Claremont The special fat issues of Deadpool, All New X-men, and Daredevil all had their hooks[...]
Glorious SPX – A Brief Chat with Copra's Michel Fiffe
By senior SPX Correspondent David Dissanayake If you aren't reading indie-superhero hit Copra by Michel Fiffe, you really should be.  The book is being touted as one of the best current ongoing series in comics by people like Tim Callahan and Matt Fraction to name just a couple of the big names who are talking about[...]