Only days after viewers got their first look at Damon Lindelof‘s authorized Watchmen "remix" for HBO, Downsizing's Hong Chau joins the series in a key role.
damon lindelhof Archives
Run Like Hell. Written by Jeff Dixon. Illustrated by Karl Slominski. Published by APE Entertainment. Publishing date: Feb 18, 2015. Jeff Dixon writes,
"Batman Always Wins" is a comic internet mantra, spawning the similarly universally applied "Busiek Always Wins". Given the right time to prepare and the
Vs Wolverine"
We've mentioned the appearance of Damon Lindelhof's Ultimate Wolverine And Hulk in the ABC series Once Upon A Time before, as the showrunners also worked on Lost with Damon But this week's episode probably had the biggest plug for it yet, opening with a close up on panel, as well as throwing in John[...]
It's hard not to be excited about what we've seen about Prometheus. From the footage to the photos, interviews to rumors, it all seems to be