film Archives

Iron Can, Smoothing Out The World One Shirt At A Time
Iron Can reimagines the hit film with a parody of the hero Tony Starch / Iron Can played by Ultra Downy Jr The film is able to make just about every laundry related pun you can in 3 minutes and 13 seconds. The film by Anders Wotzke and Michael Nixon took them over two years to make[...]
The Interview Makes $15 Million On-Line And Costs One Man $650
The controversial film, The Interview, ended up having its Christmas release in some small independent theaters where it made over 2.8 million The real news is that Sony also released the Seth Rogen / James Franco comedy to some on-line distributors where the film made an amazing 15 million dollars The price of the on-line showing[...]
ILM Shows Off Their Work From Captain America: The Winter Soldier
Industrial Light & Magic has released a sampling of their work from the Marvel film, Captain America: The Winter Soldier ILM contributed nearly 900 effects shots for the Anthony and Joe Russo directed film utilizing a crew of over 300 people Most of their work focused on the scenes with the helicarrier's, their massive hanger[...]
Chris Pine Regrets Having Gotten It Wrong On A Franchise
I hope it's done again and with a great story." The film took in $50.6 million domestically and $135.5 worldwide Director Kenneth Branagh said he would come back for a sequel as there are many more Jack Ryan stories to tell Previous Jack Ryan films starred Alec Baldwin ( The Hunt For Red October), Harrison Ford[...]
Bryan Singer Teases Age Of Apocalyse
Bryan Singer has an image on his Instagram account from yesterday that seems to be a tease for the next X-Men film Singer, who directed the first two X-Men films and returned for X-Men: Days of Future Past will be directing the upcoming X-Men: Age Of Apocalypse The film of course was being set up[...]
Jackie Chan and John Cusack Team For Dragon Blade
There is a new film coming out starring Jackie Chan, John Cusack and Adrien Brody and it's not a comedy Dragon Blade, written and directed by Daniel Lee, is a historical epic that tells the tale of Huo An, the commander of the Protection Squad of the Western Regions during the Han Dynasty[...]
I Bet You Can Read Patrick Stewart's Thoughts Here
Here the man who brought Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Professor Charles Xavier to life, Patrick Stewart, is filmed by his wife Sunny Ozell wearing a singing and dancing elf hat This just shows that Stewart continues to be just awesome doing anything. [youtube][/youtube] Captaining the U.S.S[...]
Bane Cat Returns For The Holidays
Remember Bane Cat? The first video from BloodBlitz featuring the mask wearing feline with the Tom Hardy voice has over 6.4 million views on youtube... so
Ryan Reynolds And Helen Mirren Fight For The Woman In Gold
The film tells the true story of an Austrian woman fighting to get back her family's art that was stolen by the Nazi's in World War II. The film debuts in April 3rd. [youtube][/youtube] Looks like Ryan Reynolds is trying something a little more serious as he stars opposite of Helen Mirren in Woman In Gold[...]