film Archives

New Poster And Teaser For Foxcatcher Starring Steve Carell
On the heels of receiving rave reviews at the Cannes Film Festival, where it just had its world premiere, we have a new teaser trailer for Bennett Miller's Foxcatcher, his Moneyball follow-up starring a totally transformed Steve Carell, who plays an eccentric billionaire-turned-murderer. The last shot of him casually walking into the wrestling room holding a[...]
Bleeding Cool Is #1 Comic Authority According To Technorati
But that's not all… BC is ranked #7 as entertainment authority and #9 as film authority. Heck, we're the 60th ranked site for the overall That's comics, fashion, politics and everything else. So for us, it means we're doing thing right But what does it mean for you? It means the Bleeding Cool is a great way to[...]
New Trailer For Guardians Of The Galaxy
which was preceded by a Q&A with the cast and filmmakers This is getting kind of exhausting. [youtube][/youtube] We've been teased enough, but hopefully it was all worth it Here's the brand new trailer for Guardians of the Galaxy… which was preceded by a Q&A with the cast and filmmakers[...]
Godzilla, Then And Now – Look! It Moves! by Adi Tantimedh
The filmmakers are perhaps overly reverent, as if afraid they would get him wrong, and that sucks a lot of energy out of the film. 80% of the movie is spent on close-ups of the human characters looking concerned It's as if the filmmakers forgot this film was called Godzilla and not White People Looking Anxious[...]